Pennsylvania Cannabis Coalition Applauds Shapiro for Including Adult Use Cannabis in State Budget

Source Node: 2002817


The Pennsylvania Cannabis Coalition (PCC) is celebrating Governor Tom Wolf and Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s decision to include adult use cannabis in the state budget proposal. This move is a major step forward for cannabis reform in the Keystone State and could bring much needed economic and social benefits to the state.

The PCC is a non-profit organization dedicated to advocating for sensible cannabis policy in Pennsylvania. The group has been pushing for the legalization of adult use cannabis for years, and this latest move from the governor and attorney general is a major victory for the organization.

The proposal would allow adults 21 and over to purchase and possess up to one ounce of cannabis. It would also create a system of regulated dispensaries and cultivation centers to ensure that cannabis products are safe and accessible to consumers. Additionally, the proposal would expunge the records of those with prior cannabis convictions, allowing them to move on with their lives without the stigma of a criminal record.

The economic benefits of legalizing adult use cannabis are clear. A recent study by the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue estimates that the state could generate up to $581 million in annual tax revenue from legal cannabis sales. This money could be used to fund education, infrastructure, and other important public services.

The social benefits of legalizing adult use cannabis are also significant. Legalizing cannabis would reduce the number of people arrested for possession, which would help reduce overcrowding in prisons and save taxpayer money. Additionally, it would create thousands of jobs in the cannabis industry, providing economic opportunities for many Pennsylvanians.

The PCC applauds Governor Wolf and Attorney General Shapiro for including adult use cannabis in the state budget proposal. This move is an important step forward for cannabis reform in Pennsylvania and could bring much needed economic and social benefits to the state.

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