Philippines and EU to Enhance IP Cooperation in Metaverse and AI under Renewed MOU | MetaNews

Philippines and EU to Enhance IP Cooperation in Metaverse and AI under Renewed MOU | MetaNews

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The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) are set to renew their Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in 2024.

This renewal, proposed during a meeting at EUIPO’s headquarters in Spain, marks a foray to deepen cooperation in cutting-edge areas such as the metaverse, artificial intelligence (AI), and cybersecurity.

IPOPHL, under Director General Rowel S. Barba’s guidance, reportedly recognizes this virtual space’s potential and is keen on leveraging AI tools to streamline IP processes. This approach aims to accelerate procedural efficiency and provide robust defense mechanisms against cyber threats, thus safeguarding IP assets more effectively.

In a statement, Rowel S. Barba, the Director General of the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL), emphasized the rapidly evolving nature of the metaverse and its implications for intellectual property (IP) management. Barba also highlighted the critical role of AI tools in accelerating the processing of IP matters, indicating a shift towards more efficient and technologically advanced methods.

Furthermore, he stressed the importance of developing robust strategies to combat cyberattacks, a move aimed at bolstering the protection of IP assets. Recognizing the challenges posed by fast-paced technological advancements, Barba expressed his anticipation for the European Union Intellectual Property Office’s (EUIPO) support.

This collaboration, he hopes, will not only enhance the capabilities of IPOPHL staff but also extend valuable assistance to Filipino businesses and entrepreneurs in navigating this complex digital landscape.

A touch on IP-based industries

Another aspect of this renewed partnership is the focus on the economic significance of IP-based industries. Both offices aim to develop strategies to quantify and enhance the contribution of these sectors to the economy. This move would involve sharing expertise and best practices, particularly in industrial design, and implementing international treaties like the Hague Agreement.

Beyond technology, the renewed MOU will encompass various facets of IP management. These include capacity building, IP administration and examination, and enforcement-related activities. The partnership has yielded tangible results, such as implementing a Harmonized Database in the Philippines and developing trademark examination guidelines.

Complementing its international efforts, IPOPHL has also fortified its domestic alliances. A recent memorandum of agreement (MOA) with the Department of Justice (DOJ) exemplifies this, aiming to expedite resolving IP rights violation cases. DOJ Undersecretary Jesse Hermogenes T. Andres shared,

“Our goal is to create an environment where there is a deterrent to crime. Under this regime, businesses will feel secure in their IP investments.”

Amazon joins EUIPO’s intellectual property enforcement portal

This report follows closely on the heels of Amazon’s participation in the EUIPO’s Intellectual Property Enforcement Portal (IPEP), announced in September. This portal serves as a centralized platform for information exchange, playing a role in combating counterfeit products.

Dharmesh Mehta, Vice President for Worldwide Selling Partner Services at Amazon, expressed the company’s enthusiasm for joining the EUIPO’s Intellectual Property Enforcement Portal. He emphasized Amazon’s dual role as both a rights holder and a marketplace service provider, underscoring their efforts to safeguard intellectual property rights for themselves and others. Mehta conveyed Amazon’s eagerness to collaborate with all relevant stakeholders through IPEP.

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