PINASining II: Past Winners iLasining and Focc_x Give Advice to New Participants

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The Sandbox together with the BlockchainSpace is bringing back PINASining II to promote creators in the Philippines and around the globe. PINASining II is the second voxel contest for creators to build Philippine-themed voxel assets for the Metaverse.

How to Join PINASining II?

To join, all contestants must design and create their best voxel artwork that will represent the Philippines.

Contest mechanics:

  • The contest is open to 18 years old and up. 
  • All nationalities can join the contest.
  • Your artwork should reflect the Philippines theme.
  • To join you must create a voxel art using VoxEdit. You can download VoxEdit here:
  • Create as many voxel arts that will represent the Philippines.
  • Submit your voxel art entries to BlockchainSpace PH via Google Form:
  • Submissions of entries are from May 24 – June 18. Voting will start on June 19 – 25 and a grand prize pool of US$1000 to be won in $SAND cryptocurrency tokens.

Interview with 1st PINASining Winners

The first PINASining was held last April – March 2021, focc_x’s entry #Mystic Duwende won 2nd place. He said his inspiration in creating his entry was the rich Philippine folklore, he wanted to pay tribute and admiration to these small spirit creatures.  

His advise those who will join the PINASining II:

“Put time, detail, and heart into your art and do due diligence in promoting it.”

focc_x, 2nd Placer in PINASING contest

Find his work in Twitter at focc_x

Interview with iLasining Winners

The first place winner, iLasining, creator of  “Sorbetes” had to borrow a friend’s computer to create her winning masterpiece. It took her one week to learn VoxelEdit and create her first voxel art.

Her advised to contestants:

“If you are joining PINASining II,  take time to learn VoxelEdit, explore the workspace. Plan ahead of time. It’s important to have a set goal in mind, it keeps one from losing their way. And  don’t overthink, relax, and enjoy what you’re doing. Unfamiliar things give us new knowledge, trust the process. Love your work, not everyone can do what you do. And that fact makes you a winner.”

iLasining, 1st placer in PINASining contest

PINASining II is brought to you by The Sandbox and BlockchainSpace.  

The Sandbox, is a decentralized, community-driven game platform, it’s a virtual world where players can build, design, personalize, own, monetize their gaming experiences in the ethereum blockchain. 

BlockchainSpace is an educational hub for blockchain and cryptocurrency in the Philippines. Its goal is to help the community embrace the new wave of technology and empower local talents.

For more information visit the

This article is published on BitPinas: PINASining II: Past Winners iLasining and Focc_x Give Advice to New Participants

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