Pixel Map — Lost 2016 NFT Project

Source Node: 1040974

Since I first rediscovered Pixel Map, I have spoken with the developer Ken Erwin who is thrilled that people might be interested in the project and is committed to seeing the project through — which includes relaunching the website and its trading platform — because of its historical significance.

Because of the way the contract was built, I am told that it would be impossible for the tiles to be wrapped for trading on platforms like OpenSea. So having a trading platform is critical for the long-term success of the project.

Ken has also committed to supporting an active community through a soon-to-be-created Discord group.

Pixel Map History — The 2 ETH Problem

The Pixel Map project was deployed November 17, 2016, on the Ethereum blockchain as a side project by Ken to sharpen his solidity skills and hopefully earn a little side income.

The map is comprised of 3,970 tiles and each tile is customizable by the owner.

Some of the early tile owners put artistic icons on their tiles — people, forests, and a spider — and embedded websites into their tiles metadata. For example, the owner of tile 0 thought it a good idea to have this Facebook page live forever on the blockchain😂

When the project launched the price per tile was 2 ETH, or about $20 in 2016.

And you can see through this old chat room that some people weren’t happy with the price, even in 2016,

Now when I spoke to Ken he realized that 2 ETH at current prices simply puts the project out of reach for most collectors, so he came up with a solution.

The Solution

To solve the 2 ETH problem, Ken decided to purchase all of the outstanding tiles himself and then offer them for resale at 0.35 ETH each. This includes purchasing tiles from anyone who made a purchase in 2016 or 2017 who would like to sell their tile.

Now to sell each of the tiles and then relist them takes some time. So today, Ken is releasing the first batch of 500 tiles and will continue to release tiles until they are all sold.

I do understand that this may cause some apeing into the project as future drops happen, but due to the contract limitations, we believe that this is the fairest way forward.

Old Contracts — WARNING 🚨

Be aware that there are other contracts that Ken built when making Pixel Map.

I am listing them here to warn you that they ARE NOT WORKING AND YOU WILL LOSE YOUR ETH IF YOU INTERACT WITH THEM.

I am doing this to prevent my fellow apes from believing that they have found an older version of the same contract and trying to purchase tiles from it.

Here are the contract addresses to NOT USE




Source: https://adamamcbride.medium.com/pixel-map-lost-2016-nft-project-78fc00e62179?source=rss——-8—————–cryptocurrency

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