Pixelmon Returns: Weekly Volume Rises 368% With Quality NFT Artwork

Source Node: 1724928

The numbers are optimistic, but can Pixelmon recover its reputation? Also, what happened to Kevin?

After a scandalous past, Pixelmon NFTs are back in the game. Now with a completely new look, the Pokemon-inspired gamified metaverse refuses to be set in history only for its Kevin meme. This week’s data on DappRadar shows a comeback and increase in public interest in the project. What is behind Pixelmon’s return? Let’s dive in and find out.


  • Pixelmon is an RPG blockchain game to be released in 2023, where trainers explore and battle NFT creatures in a metaverse virtual world.
  • The controversial NFT collection ranked high in the NFT Rankings on early sale in February – but created chaos and laughter when revealing that the artwork was far inferior to what was advertised.
  • Over the last seven days, Pixelmon saw its NFT collection volume rise up 368%, and the floor price reached 0.645 ETH. Has the community forgotten about the scandal?

New NFT art finally delivers what was promised

DappRadar data points out that Pixelmon Generation 1 NFTs saw a boost in activity in the past week. It reached the 14th position in the Top Collectibles Ranking, with the number of sales skyrocketing by 285.44%.

After a harsh year, Pixelmon is committed to being more than a meme project. The new team in charge is finally bringing the community the artwork they were promised, making good use of the $70 million raised from the early NFTs sale.


Water, Earth, Fire, and Air Pixelmons | Source: Pixelmon

Fortunately, the original team had good faith and has been reinvesting the funds raised from NFT sales into the project.

What about Kevin, the NFT meme immortalized in history?

Amidst all this history of hype, expectation, and total failure, Pixelmon is rising from the ashes. But of course, if one good thing came out of the collection that made the community angry with the depressing original designs, it was Kevin.

The entire NFT community saw something “so bad it almost looks good” in this comic character, and Kevin was marked in the history of NFTs that sold for thousands of dollars without presenting a viable justification.

But fear not, meme lovers, Pixelmon heard the people, and Kevin’s design is kept as it is supposed to be.

Pixelmon Kevin meme and new artwork

Pixelmon Kevin meme and new artwork

Kevin: before and after | Source: Pixelmon

No surprise, Kevin NFTs are among the most expensive sales of the entire collection.

Pixelmon creatures of the Kevin species had a floor market price at 3.25 ETH ($4,310.60) at the time of writing.

Much higher than the average 0.645 ETH ($856.68) for the entire collection floor price. 

What’s behind Pixelmon’s comeback

The good numbers aren’t random. Pixelmon has spent the year rebuilding its reputation since its original creators reached out to professional guidance to lead the hyped project.

In an interview with 1news from New Zealand, Pixelmon’s new CEO Giulio Xiloyannis addresses the project’s growing team and foresees a bright future for the game created by Hamilton man Martin van Blerk.

Starting with the remake and republishing of the entire NFT collection with completely different designs.

Pixelmon now holds a 45-person team with solid backgrounds in the gaming and NFT industries. Its official Twitter account has also kept its community updated with 3D animation designs, product updates, and everything in between.

Gameplay and game concepts have also been improved in the past months, in the same way, that the game documentation is deeper and already answers bigger questions.

All these news seem to point out that Pixelmon is not something of the past but that might actually have real value.

The release of the game’s Alpha version is scheduled for January 2023, and until then, DappRadar will keep you updated on this project that has already given so much to talk about.

Keep tracking NFT Games with DappRadar

If you’re interested in next-generation games such as Pixelmon, you need to discover the DappRadar Game Rankings. We believe blockchain is in the future of gaming, and as such, we’re committed to keeping an eye on how projects in this exciting industry evolve.

Furthermore, DappRadar helps you manage your NFT portfolio and also track the hottest NFTs sales, collections, and marketplaces in various blockchains.

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