Postcards From the Virtual World, Vol. 2: Olympia Nights

Source Node: 1577637

Everybody has a choice to make early in life. Fantasy, or reality? A man cannot serve two masters, after all. I chose fantasy and never looked back. It has yielded many fruitful rewards, as well as painful regrets. But the same is true of any path you take; whichever you choose, it destroys all the other possible lives you might’ve lived.

Still, I am content with my choice. Reality can only ever be one way. Fantasy can be absolutely anything you want. Anything you’re able to imagine. Limited only by your technological means of realizing it, and your proficiency with the tools of creation.

Until now I have lived physically, in reality, only under protest. But with the forward march of time comes relentless innovation, chipping away at the ever-shrinking barrier between the real and the unreal. The day is fast approaching when that barrier will, at last, crumble and fall.


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