Put active learning to work in online science courses

Put active learning to work in online science courses

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February 1, 2024

Put active learning to work in online science courses

Filed under: virtual school — Michael K. Barbour @ 3:06 pm
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The second of two items from the folks at QM.

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Promoting Active Learning in Online Science with the Right Tools & Practical Strategies

Free webinar: Wednesday, February 7 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern

Science Interactive - Digital Lessons. Hands-On Experiments.
Expanding science courses online presents a unique set of challenges — and opportunities. From ensuring the same quality and rigor as on-campus lab courses to tailoring the curriculum and level of difficulty for majors and non-majors, there are a lot of moving parts for instructors to think about. At the same time, online science labs offer programs a rich opportunity to expand access to science education while boosting enrollment.

Join presenter Merideth Sellars of Columbus State Community College for a free webinar Feb. 7 at 1:00 p.m. ET, where she will share her approach for fostering interactive learning opportunities in her online science courses, including:

  • Using hands-on and virtual labs to increase learner engagement
  • Providing student feedback for improvement
  • Soliciting feedback for lesson improvement
  • Encouraging learners to use multimedia to introduce themselves, drive discussion, and connect more meaningfully to build community with other learners in the course
  • A host of other practical tips and insights into the kinds of tools that can power an effective and authentic online lab experience for learners.

Taking science programs online can help meet your institution’s learners where they are, opening up new possibilities for student success and meeting institutional goals. Join us on Feb. 7 to hear about the tools you need to build a strong online science program.

Register Now
Presented By:
Merideth Sellars
Merideth Sellars, MS is a Professor at Columbus State Community College. She currently serves as a coordinator for the Destination Ohio State (DOSU) and Researcher Mentor Teacher (RMT) Programs. She has also served as the Vice-Chair of the Ohio State Biomedical Engineering External Advisory Council. In addition to co-authoring eleven iBooks in Human Anatomy and Physiology, Merideth has also served as the Distance Learning Lead Instructor for her department. She is a 2012 and 2019 recipient of Columbus State’s Distinguished Teaching Award and 2016 Outstanding Woman Leader Award.
Dr. Cait Runne-Janczy
Dr. Cait Runne-Janczy is the Chief Academic Officer at Science Interactive. In her 8 years with SI, she has focused on bringing online college students rigorous, high quality, and accessible hands-on laboratory experiences. Cait is an alumna of Marist College, where she received her BS in Biochemistry, and the University of  Iowa where she received her PhD in Pharmacology.
Can’t make it? No need to register — recordings of QM Online Learning Webinars can be found on our YouTube about two weeks after after the webinar.
Quality Matters QM
Quality Matters (QM) is the global organization leading quality assurance in online and innovative digital teaching and learning environments. It provides a scalable quality assurance system for online and blended learning used within and across organizations. When you see QM Certification Marks on courses or programs, it means they have met QM Course Design Standards or QM Program Review Criteria in a rigorous review process.
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