Quant Trading Firm Calls Crypto Trading a ‘Clear Growth Area’

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Jane Street, “a quantitative trading firm with a unique focus on technology and collaborative problem solving”, says crypto trading represent a “clear growth area.” It trades a wide range of products, including equities, futures, commodities, options, Bonds, digital Assets, and currencies.

According to a report by Bloomberg, Jane Street is “a major player” in cryptocurrency trading. The firm, which first began trading crypto in 2017, “provides liquidity for a range of digital assets from Bitcoin and Ethereum to some of the meme coins popular on social media.” It serves as one of the market makers for popular zero-fee trading trading platform Robinhood. It is also working with decentralized exchanges (DEXes).

Turner Batty, a trader at Jane Street who helped establish the crypto desk, told Bloomberg that crypto trading has been a “clear growth area” for the past 16 months. Batty said the number of Jane Street employees working on crypto was at an all-time high, with dozens incorporating some form of crypto into their jobs, ranging from taxation to accounting. 

Mina Nguyen, head of institutional strategy at Jane Street, said he was seeing increased demand for crypto across a breadth of institutions. She told Bloomberg that asset managers, endowments, and family offices were positioning themselves in the event that the U.S. regulatory climate around crypto becomes more favorable.  


The views and opinions expressed by the author, or any people mentioned in this article, are for informational purposes only, and they do not constitute financial, investment, or other advice. Investing in or trading cryptoassets comes with a risk of financial loss.

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Photo by RoyBuri via Pixabay.com

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