Questions From High School Student Interested in Supply Chain Management

Questions From High School Student Interested in Supply Chain Management

Source Node: 2537310

I recently received an email from a high school student looking for advice. Here’s what he wrote:

I am a student who wants to get into the supply chain field. I have been accepted to both Michigan State’s and Arizona State’s supply chain programs, but I think a smaller, private school could be a better fit for me. If I went to a smaller, private school, I would graduate with a Business Administration degree, not a degree in Supply Chain Management. I am trying to weigh these factors, so I wanted your opinion on two things regarding students looking to go into supply chain management. First, how important is the type of degree for job applicants in the supply chain field? Second, how important is the school where you graduated from?

First, it’s great to see that high school students are becoming interested in supply chain management. Sure, he’s just one data point, but I’m going to assume that all the media attention on supply chains the past two years has put supply chain management on the radar screen of many students, as well as parents, high school teachers, and guidance counselors. 

(For related commentary, see “Supply Chain in High School“).

Second, the questions this student asked are very good questions that I’m sure many other students are asking too. It also turns out that we conducted research related to these questions with our Indago supply chain research community.

Watch this 4-minute video for some highlights from the research results, including comments from Indago supply chain executive members. Then post a comment and share your perspective and advice!

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