Rabbit Hole Recap: Bitcoin Week of 2021.10.25

Rabbit Hole Recap: Bitcoin Week of 2021.10.25

Source Node: 2689642

This week Marty and Matt discuss:

– FATF releases updated guidance 

– el salvador now holds 1120 bitcoin 

– river launches hosted mining service 

– blockstream sponsors minimint 

– btcpay v1.3.0 

– sparrow v1.5.2 

– nix-bitcoin v0.0.55

– specter diy v1.6.1

– joininbox v0.6.3

– simple bitcoin wallet v2.2.17

– umbrel v0.4.6

– immortan v0.3.6

– bisq v1.7.5

– BlueWallet v6.2.12

– voltage releases Flow, an easy to use interface for Lightning Pool 

– umbrel raises $3M in seed round 

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Cash App

Unchained Capital


Compass Mining

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