The Unmanned ground vehicle system consists of 4-wheel differential drive, On-board processor, sensors such as Ultrasonic sensors, IR sensors, IMU, GPS, Remote control Unit, Battery and battery management system. It can serve as a robust research platform and has the capability to operate both indoors and outdoors. It has a high-end, compact, computer on-board that allows easy processing of high volume of data gotten from sensors such as 3D LIDARS, GNSS/INS system and Stereo Camera Systems.
Specification Parameters
 Type of Robotic Vehicle Wheeled 
 Drive 4 Wheel Differential
 Payload 100 Kgs 
 Vehicle Speed 3.7 Kmph
Power Source Li-ion Battery 
 Battery Backup 8 Hours
 On-Board Computer i7 CPU, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD 

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