Read-Alouds, Continued

Read-Alouds, Continued

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Today we’re continuing a series we started a while ago of read-alouds (for more context on the why and why now check out episode #500 on how we podcast!).

The first was episode #544 in April, It’s Time to Build, read out loud by Marc Andreessen; what follows are  three more pieces read out loud by their authors:

  • “Why Every Company Will Become a Fintech Company: The Next Era of Financial Services and the ‘AWS Phase’ for Fintech” by Angela Strange
  • “When One App Rules Them All: The Case of WeChat and Mobile in China” by Connie Chan, first published August 2015
  • “Why We Shouldn’t Fear the ‘Black Box’ of AI (in Healthcare and Everywhere)” by Vijay Pande, first published in the New York Times January 2018


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