Real-time deckbuilder KindFolx releasing on Switch

Real-time deckbuilder KindFolx releasing on Switch

Source Node: 2657616

Taco Pizza Cat Games is bringing its PvE deckbuilding card game KindFolx to Switch, the studio has confirmed. The game is due out in 2023.

KindFolx follows Reinus and the Adventurer Guild as they look to liberate the city from its corrupt leader. Players can look forward to fast-paced combat, randomly selected enemies, events, and treasures, three unique characters, frame by frame animation, and more.

As for the story, here’s what to expect:

Long ago, in a land unlike the one you know now, a war raged between Humankind, and Monsterfolx. After 5 years, the battle would end, and Humankind would rise victorious.

Ozma, a human hero of the war, embraced peace between the races, and proposed the erection of a city that would be a haven for humans and monsters to live in harmony. The city would be called KindFolx.

5 years later, Ozma would pass away, and as agreed, a Monsterfolk would take his place at the head of the city as a sign of trust and faith by the humans. Darlocke, a cruel general of the monster army, would bring about a new wave of human hatred. Oppression would begin, and homelessness, violence, and slavery inflicted on humans would soar.

Now, in order to prevent these growing atrocities from inciting another war, a team of adventurers have banned together to put everything on the line to overthrow Darlocke in the heart of the city.

Will you and the Adventurers Guild be able to successfully destroy the evil in the deepest parts of KindFolx?

Take a look at a trailer for KindFolx below.

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