Samson Mow on Blockstream, Seetee, Bitcoin Mining, NFTs & Infinite Fleet

Samson Mow on Blockstream, Seetee, Bitcoin Mining, NFTs & Infinite Fleet

Source Node: 2777265

Andy is joined by Samson Mow, CSO at Blockstream. Samson discusses the partnership between Blockstream and Seetee, a new Bitcoin company started by a 100-year-old company from Norway. He talks about the drop in hash power from Chinese miners as American miners increase, and he explains why he thinks Bitcoin will hit $100k in 2021 and could go even as high as $300K leaving $100K as the new price floor.

Why you should listen:

Two weeks ago, Aker, a 100-year old Norwegian company announced that it had established (“Seetee”), a new company dedicated to investing in projects throughout the Bitcoin ecosystem. Seetee said, “Bit­coin has in­spired us to chal­lenge our in­tu­itive un­der­stand­ing of money. Hav­ing fol­lowed the cryp­tocur­ren­cy dis­course for a while, we de­cid­ed to reach out to the en­gi­neers who made it their mis­sion to change the inner work­ings of mon­ey more than two decades ago. See­tee has formed a part­ner­ship with Block­stream, a glob­al leader in Bit­coin and blockchain tech­nol­o­gy. Blockstream’s lead­er­ship in­cludes Adam Back, the in­ven­tor of Hash­cash, a 1997 pre­cur­sor to Bit­coin. With Block­stream as our part­ner, we are confi­dent that we can nav­i­gate this in­dus­try.”

Key Takeaway:

Samson talks Blockstream, Liquid, why NFTs might be in a bubble and he gives the background and progress to Infinite Fleet, the epic sci-fi massively multiplayer online (MMO) strategy game he founded. Plus listen to the end of the show for a very special sci-fi easter egg!

Supporting links:


Seetee Letter

Infinite Fleet

Seetee Ship

Andy on Twitter 

Brave New Coin on Twitter

Brave New Coin

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