Shiden Wins The Third Kusama Parachain Slot Auction

Source Node: 963494

We are excited to announce that Shiden secured the third parachain slot on Kusama – Congratulations!

Slot 3 Winner

Shiden (SDN) – A smart contract platform for decentralized applications (dapps) on the Kusama network. Shiden is built to support “layer 2” solutions, which refers to secondary frameworks built on top of existing blockchains that improve upon a network’s scalability and transaction speeds.

The candle auction for the third parachain slot ended on block 8,154,395 and Shiden won the auction with a total amount of 137,020 KSM bonded to its project.

The amount of SDN token rewards per KSM and when they will be distributed is being finalised by Shiden. We will update this blog and the Kraken Support Center when these details become available.

Rewards for supporting parachain projects vary per project. Please see our Support Center article for an illustrative breakdown of the potential rewards per KSM contributed, percentage of tokens issued to parachain auction contributors, campaign durations, token vesting schedules and more. The Support Center will only reflect information on currently supported projects. 

When will Shiden be live?

Possibly in the following weeks. We will update this blog and email all clients who contributed when Shiden provides more details.

What happens to the other projects I supported that didn’t win?

KSM contributed to other projects will continue to support the bid of those projects to win Slot 4, which is now open. For more information about the fourth slot and additional FAQs please see our initial blog.


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