SMW Chapter 1-The Anduran Queen

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Solana Mecha War

Stor Lehren silently gulped as the grand doors to the throne room slid open. Two rows of giant cylindrical lanterns ornamented with expensive jewels lined the ceiling above the carpeted path from the door to the throne. Non-luminous flames dancing within them donned the palatial space in a shade of indigo blue.

Only his own footsteps echoed as he walked. At the far end of the corridor, a tall figure stood at the foot of a flight of grandiose stairs leading up to a cabinet, ebony and intricately carved from the meteorites from the Jangrian Galaxy. On the cabinet’s front, a mirage-like hologram screen hung, shrouding a motionless figure.

The tall figure nodded. Stor Lehren stopped his tracks and kneeled. The last time he was this close to the queen was when he was awarded the Virtuti Shen — one of the most prestigious Anduran military decorations.

“My Queen.” Stor Lehren prostrated himself towards the throne behind the hologram screen, then after a pause, he turned to the tall lady. “Envoy Suun.”

“At ease, beloved Stor Lehren.” Envoy Suun greeted, her voice strong and curt. She continued, her face unmoved. “A new pathway has been brought to us by the zenith from the Ionic Temples. The target stated in the prophecy has been located.”

Stor Lehren’s eyes widened, the zeniths were never wrong. He looked up only to meet the envoy’s expressionless face.

“Under the Imperial Code, an A-Rank mission is declared. The assigned officer, Stor Lehren, is to journey to Cerberus, and recover the target from Krokang to our Cerberus military base.”

“Krokang?” Stor Lehren winced. It had been years since he last visited that run-down district on the Anduran colony planet. Upon uttering that name, it was as if the warm breeze of Krokang was combing through his hair within the windowless walls of the throne room.

“I know this is a tough job, especially for you, to return to Krokang. But only you have the necessary credentials for this mission.”

There is still another. Stor Lehren thought to himself but did not make any remark.

“This operation should be relatively safe and straightforward. Especially since you had completed multiple S-Rank missions there. Despite the current conflict, our Anduran forces maintained a stronghold over Krokang. Following A-Rank mission protocol, a confidential mission Cube attached to the Imperial Freighter has been assigned to you. You can digest this information in the waiting room but we do not have much time. When you are ready, I will escort you to the royal hangar.”

“I am to depart today?” Stor Lehren half-whispered.

“Best to get out of Tirion’s gravitational field before the next solar storm. The journey to Cerberus takes 5 Tirionic days, which equates to 9 Cerberus days. Since Krokang is currently a warzone, the target’s safety is our utmost concern.”

Stor Lehren’s head remained lowered. There were no movements from either side, only shadows dancing under the lantern’s light.

“Beloved Stor Lehren.” The figure behind the screen spoke suddenly. Her voice was clear as a silver bell.

Stor Lehren froze. The number of people who had heard the queen’s voice within the whole galaxy might be even fewer than the number of zeniths. The queen had spoken. He had to go through with this no matter how uncomfortable he felt.

“Your loyalty to the Alliance will be immortalized within the Ionic Temples.” The voice rang around the large space.

“It is my duty, my Queen.”

“May the stars of Andura watch over you.” The voice echoed brightly, indicating the end of the audience.

“And may the stars of Andura watch over Tirion.” Stor Lehren recited like always.

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