Sony Doesn’t Have ‘A Concrete Plan’ For The Vision-S Concept

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Sony’s involvement in the automotive industry is alive and kicking. Represented by the Vision-S Concept that was introduced at the 2020 Consumer Electronics Show, the Japanese tech giant is still developing the concept. In fact, our latest update was from May 2021 when the Vision-S was spied testing at an open tarmac.

If you’re wondering what Sony is up to these days with the not-for-mass-production Vision-S concept, Izumi Kawanishi, an executive vice president at Sony, shared some insight to Automotive News – or at least it was sort of an update.

According to Kawanishi, Sony doesn’t have “a concrete plan at this time” because the company is currently in the research and development phase.

“We have to investigate what is our purpose in contributing to mobility service. That is our basic idea, and we have to continue the R&D phase,” Kawanishi told Automotive News.

It’s obvious that the Sony Vision-S is a concept testbed of what the Japanese can do in automotive applications. There’s the 360 Reality Audio system that creates a sphere of sound for each occupant, as well as a 5G connection that connects to the PlayStation network.

Needless to say, Sony’s vast range of products – movies, music, and gaming – will be utilized to the content and technology in the vehicle.

“In order to build such entertainment space in the vehicle, we need to understand the opportunity and build the right cabin system,” Kawanishi said.

Of course, let this serve as a reminder that the Vision-S isn’t coming as a Sony-branded vehicle that consumers can buy and drive. We could see car brands buying the tech from Sony, with the ultimate goal of making cutting-edge in-car entertainment and autonomous driving tech.

More importantly, Kawanishi said that Sony will be giving us more details about the Vision-S development at the upcoming CES.


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