Stani Kulechov on Why Aave Is So Successful - Ep.212

Stani Kulechov on Why Aave Is So Successful – Ep.212

Source Node: 2806406

Stani Kulechov, founder and CEO of Aave, comes onto the show to discuss the lending protocol and second-biggest DeFi project by total value locked. Here are some of the highlights: 

  • How Stani’s background studying law and his passion for fintech led him to the world of smart contracts (1:53)
  • Why he decided to transition ETHLend to Aave, and how that eliminated the “meme” narrative (5:55)
  • How Stani would explain Aave to a five-year-old, or your normie friend (9:04)
  • What new features were released in Aave v2 (15:54)
    • reducing overall gas costs
    • aTokens
    • swapping collateral
    • debt tokens
  • What Aavenomics is and how the “safety module” attempts to keep the protocol secure (20:39)
    • How AAVE works as a governance token
    • Active versus passive risk in governance staking
  • How Aave is transitioning from a centralized to a decentralized protocol (25:01)
    • what he’s finding difficult about this process
    • issues with voting and an over-reliance on the Aave team
    • delegating voting power to what he calls “protocol politicians” and whether this is good or bad for DeFi
  • Who is using Aave and how they are using it? (37:27)
    • what OpenLaw is and how OpenLaw contracts work
    • how credit delegation, or unsecured loans enforced by law, differ in v2 vs V1
    • how people could use lending protocols to build credit
  • What Aave plans to do with the E-Money (EMI) license it obtained in the UK (50:51)
  • Since Aave was a pioneer in flash loans, which are responsible for the majority of DeFi attacks, whether Stani would do anything differently (53:12)
  • Aave’s partnership with tokenized real estate project RealT and how Aave manages it given that, in the US, RealT tokens are securities and can only be sold to accredited investors (58:42)
  • How Aave has been thinking about scaling given the high fees on Ethereum (1:03:57)
  • Why building a moat in DeFi is impossible (1:07:16)
  • What is next for Aave (1:11:40)


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