Stop Churn in its Tracks with 5 SaaS Retention Hacks

Stop Churn in its Tracks with 5 SaaS Retention Hacks

Source Node: 1976028

Stop Churn Lesson 1: Listen to the signals your customers are giving you

A good animal trainer knows that before an animal misbehaves, it will give a cue. Whether that’s the cock of an ear or the swish of a tail, there’s always a sign. And, if you catch that sign in time, you can prevent the behavior. People are no different. When someone disengages with your product, there are signs, and you can track them.

If you’re not sure what to track in the beginning, look for gaps in activity, or if you have something like an e-mail marketing service, see if anyone is downloading their list of contacts. You may even want to have an exit survey. Once you know which behaviors indicate imminent departure, you can start to construct a plan.

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