Stop the shaman and his army of rabbits in Fluffy Horde

Stop the shaman and his army of rabbits in Fluffy Horde

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Fluffy Horde Xbox

As an owner of two rabbits myself, I find the concept of this name game offensive. My thinking is that the world would be a better place if everyone had a rabbit or two in their life. That was until I saw the trailer for this next game and saw a man dressed as a carrot get disembowelled but a horde of maniacal rabbits. That’s when I knew we were in trouble. Fluffy Horde is out today on Xbox.

These aren’t your average army of rabbits though. They have been summoned by an evil shaman who wants to take over the Three Kingdoms. Why he chose rabbits and not something more aggressive like the undead or vampires is unknown. But still, defeat them you must.

The rabbits are as rampant as the one from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, only there are thousands to deal with. Call upon your army of warriors, archers and many more unorthodox individuals to help save the kingdoms and the wider universe. Save enough of it and you may just even find the reasoning behind this insane invasion.

Fluffy Horde has four bosses to get the better of and many hours of unique gameplay. There is even a multiplayer mode where you can try and outsmart friends and strangers alike over the world wide web.

Fluffy Horde is on the Xbox Store now priced at £8.39. For those eager to rid the world of rabbits – you monsters – there is an introductory discount reducing the price to £6.71 for a limited time. For everyone else, stay tuned for our review coming very soon.

Game description

You are the only thing standing between a magical rabbit-mancer “Shaman” and the complete annihilation of the Three Kingdoms. Fluffy Horde is a 2D side-scrolling game with a crystal clear goal. Defend against a magical bunny horde with hyper-breeding tendencies. Halt their offensive or die of embarrassment. Stop the armies of fluffiness by commanding your warriors, archers and… many insane individuals. Seriously we even got a humanoid carrot that will take a rabbit bullet for you. If you free enough cities, you might even discover the reason behind this insane invasion. First Rabbit War starts in 3…2…1!

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