Take a Dive into DeFi Dollar with Co-founder Siddharth Jain - Ep. 29

Take a Dive into DeFi Dollar with Co-founder Siddharth Jain – Ep. 29

Source Node: 2563690

In this episode, Bobby Ong, co-founder of CoinGecko is joined by Siddharth Jain, co-founder of DeFi Dollar. Bobby interviewed Siddharth on the background of DeFi Dollar, its stablecoins, its token and the use cases, more DeFi Dollar’s products, as well as DeFi Dollar’s plans.

[00:00:02] Intro
Introduction of DeFi Dollar
DeFi Dollar’s stablecoins
DeFi Dollar Dao token (DFD) VS DeFi Dollar (DUSD) token
Utility of DUSD
Difference between DUSD and MUSD
When are Defi Dollar’s products going live?
Thoughts on BSC
Outlook on crypto in India
Plans for DeFi Dollar in the next few years

Quotes from the episode:

“There's more than $200 million worth of Bitcoin volume and sets on Badger set. I think I'm probably low-balling the figure, but there is a lot of scope for that volume to come over via DeFi Dollar into interest building index. So these are some of the innovative products that we're trying to do.” [00:18:28]

"So we're releasing much of a more in-depth coverage of the interest bearing BTC this week." [00:23:32]

“We are hardcore Ethereum buff. Like we totally believe in the ideals of decentralization and how things should be, right. And that is the version that we're aligned on.” [00:25:11]


DeFi Dollar – https://app.dusd.finance/
CoinGecko – https://www.coingecko.com/
DefiDollar (DUSD) – https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/defidollar
DefiDollar DAO (DFD) – https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/defidollar-dao

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