Team Liquid Map Contest #18: Finalists

Team Liquid Map Contest #18: Finalists

Source Node: 2664544

The judges have done their work and the sixteen TeamLiquid Map Contest #18 finalists have been determined!

Before revealing the finalists, we’d like to once again thank Monster Energy for being the presenting sponsor of TLMC #18. New maps play a crucial part in keeping the StarCraft II scene feeling fresh and exciting, and thanks to Monster, TLMC was able to continue its search for the best competitive maps into its twelfth year.

Voting will be open between May 29 – June 4. Before then, you can see the finalist maps in action in the WardiTV TLMC Test Tournament (May 23-28).

Here are some final notes as we announce the finalists.

  • Monster Energy elements have been added to the maps for the WardiTV TLMC Test Tournament.
  • All maps are accompanied by comments from the map-maker.
  • The maps are listed in random order and do not reflect their score in judge voting.
  • Three maps are selected per category based on judging. Then, four additional “judges’ picks” selections are given to the remaining maps with the highest scores.
  • As was the case with NeoHumanity from TLMC #17, ESL will continue to consider maps outside the sixteen finalists for inclusion in the competitive map pool.


+2 Judges’ picks

Medium sized maps. Players tend to have more flexibility on these maps to open with a wider variety of strategies and/or builds.


+1 Judges’ pick

Maps that favors early aggression and offensive play.


+1 Judges’ pick

Maps that favor defensive play and encourage players to reach end game unit compositions.


Maps in this category explore new ideas for how StarCraft II can be played. This category is intended for unorthodox, outside-the-box maps.


Voting Will Open on May 29th

Until then, learn about the TLMC voting system!

TLMC uses a voting system where voters assign points to their top five maps in order of preference. Please follow these instructions when voting:

  • You may only vote for a total of FIVE (5) maps.
  • Among your top five maps picks, assign your points/votes as follows:
    • Highest rated map: 5 points
    • Second highest rated map: 4 points
    • Third highest rated map: 3 points
    • Fourth highest rated map: 2 points
    • Fifth highest rated map: 1 point
  • You may only assign each specific point value once (only one map can be awarded 5 points, etc).

Public voting via determines the final rankings in TLMC #18. All sixteen finalists, as selected by the judges, receive $200 per winning entry. The top five entrants, as determined by public vote, will be awarded additional winnings as follows:

First – $200
Second – $125
Third – $100
Fourth – $75
Fifth – $50

Maps that place high in TLMC #18 are not guaranteed to be added to the competitive ladder. ESL will reference the finalists, as well as other highly rated runner-up maps, and choose which maps to add at its own discretion.

Prize money has been provided by Monster Energy, and we thank them for their support of the map making community.

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