Team Liquid VCT 2023 Roster: Get to Know the Squad

Team Liquid VCT 2023 Roster: Get to Know the Squad

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Good news, everyone: you can finally put your leaks away. The official Team Liquid VALORANT 2023 roster reveal is here.

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We’re truly thankful to have been chosen for VALORANT franchising, and we’re committed to proving that we deserve to be part of it. To that end, we’ve worked hard to put together a roster that the fans can be proud of, full of organic, homegrown, nutrient-rich European FPS talent. And much like the VALORANT scene at large, we aren’t wiping the slate clean and starting over. Rather, we’re building upon what was already there.

We’re thrilled to announce that Team Liquid VALORANT’s roster for 2023 will consist of:

  • Dom “soulcas” Sulcas
  • Elias “Jamppi” Olkkonen
  • Ayaz “nAts” Akhmetshin
  • Igor “Redgar” Vlasov
  • Saif “Sayf” Jibraeel
  • Head Coach: Emil “eMIL” Sandgren

That’s right — we’re welcoming soulcas and Jamppi back for more big plays and misspelled names. Joining them will be nAts and Redgar, a dynamic duo from The Team Formerly Known As Gambit. To complete the roster, we have Sayf, a true all-rounder who has played literally every role for Guild Esports at some point. Finally, we have the one and only eMIL leading the roster. We’re lucky to have him; there’s nobody else like him in the entire world.

With explosive young talent, established former champions, and the best Skye in the game, get ready for the most ambitious crossover in VALORANT history. This game has been a big priority for Team Liquid these past two years, and we think the roster we’ve assembled will help take us to the next level in the VCT.

Will nAts start locking down sites as Harbor? Will we keep trying to make the double Operator setup happen? And — most importantly — will Redgar bring his signature crate of snacks to São Paulo? Anything’s possible. You’ll just have to watch and see.

While you wait for the next tournament, why don’t you sit down with our roster and get to know them a little better. Below we’ve prepared a short but incredibly important and high-stakes Q&A for you. Please enjoy.

What made you decide to join this roster?

Jamppi: Great teammates.

soulcas: I joined this roster because it is the most diverse and cohesive liquid valorant roster to date.

Sayf: I think we share the same vision. I really don’t care about orgs that are always chasing trophy after trophy. I wanna be a consistent competitor with this team, and I think we all share that same vision.

nAts: Tbh one of my dreams was always to represent one of the best organizations in the world. Luckily now I get that chance and I will try to do my best.

Redgar: Attitude to win, professionalism and coach.

eMIL: The diversity of personalities and the insane skill of every player makes this team super interesting for me to coach. I think anyone would want the opportunity to work with these amazing players. On top of that, Team Liquid is an amazing organization to work for, and the people around the team are some of the best people I have met. So for me it’s an easy choice.

What has been your favorite career moment so far?

Jamppi: Winning my first tournament in 2019.

soulcas: My favorite moment for sure was the first map vs optic. never experienced a crowd like that before and popping with the crowd behind me gave me so much confidence. It literally felt unearthly.

Sayf: Qualified to an international LAN, VCT Masters Copenhagen.

nAts: Won Masters Berlin.

Redgar: When my ideas [are] working in game and we are winning tournaments

eMIL: Participating in the 2022 Champions was by far my best career moment. The level of competition and the games we played in front of the crowd is something I will never forget. Truly blessed to be a part of something like that.

What team are you most looking forward to facing and why?

Jamppi: ZETA

soulcas: I am most looking forward to playing against the NA teams. It’s always the most fun because of the EU vs NA rivalry.

Sayf: FNATIC since my long-time teammate Leo has switched sides.

nAts: I want to play against every team. I don’t have [a] special one.

Redgar: Where my ex-M3C teammates [are]. But tbh I wanna face all teams and win them all, to prove that we are the

best—Fnatic, NaVi, C9, Sen, DRX, PRX, 100T, Zeta Division, KRU, Leviathan.

eMIL: NaVi! It’s no secret that I want to crush NaVi and my brother. I have a lot of respect for all of them, and I know that when we play it will be the best valorant people will see from Europe.

What is the most exciting thing to you about VALORANT franchising?

Jamppi: Moving to berlin.

soulcas: The most exciting thing about franchising is playing on a LAN stage every week.

Sayf: Finally get to focus fully on the game and start a brand for yourself within this ecosystem.

nAts: Every match gonna be on stage. 🤪

Redgar: That we [are] gonna play more on LAN, that I can test myself and also [improve] during all this time.

eMIL: For me it’s the anticipation of seeing how Riot Games will structure all of this up. Being on site, playing in the studio, regular games and just the overall pedigree of competition is something that I can’t wait to partake in!
Fun questions

Chamber meta or Jett meta?

Jamppi: Jett.

soulcas: Chamber meta is the most anti-fun meta. I’d rather [be] playing competitive FarmVille.

Sayf: Chamber. Fuck jett.

nAts: Definitely Chamber.

Redgar: Liquid Meta. 😄

eMIL: Chamber meta! Nerf Chamber, but Jamppi on Chamber is always something I will love.

What’s the off-meta agent you most want to see come into the meta and why?

Jamppi: Cypher cus nAts.

soulcas: I mean, I’m scared of any off meta agent to become meta because it can easily become too powerful. It’s a very thin line in valorant for an agent to be weak or too OP.

Sayf: Cypher 100% and I think it’s been a long time coming. He used to be an agent you got scared of [but] he just feels so useless right now.

nAts: Of course I want to see Cypher. I guess everyone knows the explanation. 😉

Redgar: I wanna see initiator meta, cuz it’s interesting for strats when u have so much utilities.

eMIL: Cypher! Seeing Cypher do his thing is always very exciting. Playing on site, getting 2-3 kills, there is nothing better. Or maybe a sneaky cam?

If you could remove one ability from the game, which one would it be and why?

Jamppi: Yoru flash.

soulcas: Any of Chamber’s abilities.

Sayf: Tour De Force.

nAts: Chamber teleport.

Redgar: I think everyone [is] gonna say Chamber’s tp, but I want to say Chamber ult or Raze ult.

eMIL: Chamber Sheriff. BEGONE.

You gain the ability to shoot one condiment out of your belly button in infinite quantity. Which condiment do you pick?

Jamppi: I have absolutely no idea what this means so I say Coco Pops.

soulcas: Sticky soy sauce—tasty and also can slow enemy movements.

Sayf: Salt?

nAts: Hot sauce.

Redgar: My top 3: 1) smoked paprika 2) star anise 3) smoked salt.

eMIL: That would be mayo, but I am pretty sure I would gain weight at an alarming rate!

A wizard casts a spell on you. From 3 to 4 PM every day, you turn into one animal of your choosing. You can still think like a person, but you can’t talk like one. Which animal do you choose?

Jamppi: Bear, so I could finally fight Eamon.

soulcas: Panda—so I can just lay, eat, and roll around.

Sayf: Gorilla.

nAts: Panda.

Redgar: Dragon or Falcon.

eMIL: A cat. Since cats always get a lot of pets, I think it’s a lifestyle I could get behind. Seems like a chill life—getting fed, not having to care for anything or anyone and still be loved. Granted it would only be for a short time.

As you journey through a dark, primordial forest you accidentally knock an old woman into a bog. The old woman tells you that she is a powerful witch and as punishment for your carelessness she will cast a spell that will force you to change your first name, last name, or your Valorant tag. Which do you pick and why?

Jamppi: My gamertag, and [I] would rename as Kamish.

soulcas: Probably my first name cause I can then change it to dom instead of dominic. 😛

Sayf: My valorant tag of course.

nAts: Tag Valorant.

Redgar: If it was me, I [am] never gonna do it, cuz I can’t be in a dark in the forest around [a] bog. I will be [too scared] to be there. 😄

eMIL: My valorant tag of course. I would change it to Liquid Ham10 in honor of my Strategic Coach.

Which crosshair color & resolution will give you free Radiant Rank?

Jamppi: White crosshair and 1440×1080 4:3 Stretched

soulcas: native res 1322—certified hood classic

Sayf: color red 1280×1024

nAts: Green Crosshair and 4:3 resolution

Redgar: 1 4 2 0, dark color and full hd ofc

eMIL: Full HD, teal crosshair color, 200% digital vibrance, full brightness and a good eye doctor.

Writer // Bonnie Qu and Austin “Plyff” Ryan
Graphics // Hendrik Tol

Time Stamp:

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