Team17 has revealed a mysterious new game without telling us anything about it

Team17 has revealed a mysterious new game without telling us anything about it

Source Node: 2685158

Team17 has unveiled a mysterious new project, Redacted.

Whether that’s the game’s final name or a placeholder we have no idea, as the press release itself is almost entirely redacted too, telling us only that someone – or something – in the game is “preparing for deployment”.

[REDACTED] – Announce Teaser.

Thankfully, the accompanying cinematic video – albeit also entitled Redacted – gives us a little more information, intimating that the game is set during war time when the platoon was “out-manned and out-gunned”.

However, a voiceover also explains that it’s “the enemy’s strength [that] blinds them” and “we” – whoever “we” are, of course – “are an army of shadows”. Curiouser and curiouser.

Team17's press release is almost entirely redacted

Team17 pops up again later in the video’s comment section, adding the following in Morse code “…– .—- … – / — .- -.– / ..— —– ..— …–“.

I’m reliably informed that this translates to a date – 31st May 2023 – which is likely when we’ll get more information as that date is also given on the mysterious press release.

As always, we’ll keep you posted and will hopefully have a little more to report sometime on Wednesday. Watch this space, eh?

Time Stamp:

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