TeraRecon integrates Bot Image’s PCa diagnosis into Eureka AI platform

TeraRecon integrates Bot Image’s PCa diagnosis into Eureka AI platform

Source Node: 2686029



ConcertAI’s TeraRecon has integrated Bot Image’s prostate cancer (PCa) screening and detection/diagnosis platform into its Eureka clinical artificial intelligence (AI) platform.

In July last year, Bot Image received clearance from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for PCa screening and detection/diagnosis.

With the integration, the Eureka platform enables clinicians to access advanced AI and deep learning technology to support precise prostate cancer identification and diagnosis through biparametric magnetic resonance imaging (bpMRI) and AI.

ConcertAI CEO Dr Jeff Elton said: “Prostate cancer is so devasting to men around the world, and bringing a solution that aims to provide AI-driven analysis that may improve the accuracy and speed of prostate cancer detection and diagnosis is critical.

“We look forward to making ProstatID available to all of our customers and their patients.”

ProstatID, which is Bot Image’s AI and MRI post-processing software for prostate cancer, is intended to enhance the accuracy of PCa identification and diagnosis.

 Bot Image demonstrated the software’s ability to optimise prostate cancer identification while reducing false positives.

Furthermore, ProstatID is suitable for use as a regularly planned screening mechanism to provide active surveillance for monitoring disease progression.

Bot Image CEO Dr Randall Jones said: “With a global installed base of about 1,900 health sites, TeraRecon represents a significant and immediate distribution opportunity for the unique analysis capabilities of Bot Image’s prostate solutions.

“We are thrilled to be a part of the TeraRecon AI partner ecosystem and to offer our solutions on the Eureka Clinical AI Platform and to all healthcare providers needing these services in a streamlined and best-in-breed ecosystem that TeraRecon offers.”

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