Text with Jesus AI: When your prayers get ‘app’roved

Text with Jesus AI: When your prayers get ‘app’roved

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In a world where technology constantly pushes the boundaries of what’s possible, it seems we’ve reached a new frontier: conversing with biblical characters through an AI-enhanced app. Imagine having the chance to ask Jesus a question, inquire about Jonah’s time in the belly of the giant fish, or seek wisdom from King Solomon. This is now a reality thanks to the “Text with Jesus” app.

Text with Jesus AI: A divine chat experience

Launched by Cat Loaf Software in Los Angeles, “Text with Jesus” is ready to change how we engage with biblical figures. This app replicates an instant messaging platform where AI takes on the personas of biblical characters and responds to your questions.

Do you know you can engage with biblical figures through AI conversation in the 'Text with Jesus AI' app? Keep reading and explore now!

But it’s not just Jesus who’s available for a chat. The app boasts an impressive roster of biblical personalities, including the Holy Family, the apostles, the prophets, and even lesser-known figures like Ruth, Job, Daniel, Jonah, and Lot. However, you have to pay for the text with them.

Stéphane Peter, the app’s developer and CEO, explains how the AI is carefully tuned to embody the character it’s representing.

“We stir the AI and tell it: You are Jesus, or you are Moses, or whoever, and knowing what you already have in your database, you respond to the questions based on their characters,” Stéphane Peter, the app’s developer, and the company’s CEO told RNS.

The evolution of Jesus AI

Stéphane Peter’s journey with AI and historical figures dates back to 2011, but his previous apps simply provided users with quotes from these figures. However, the “Text with Jesus” app takes interaction to a whole new level. Peter began exploring OpenAI earlier this year, leveraging ChatGPT‘s capabilities to create a dynamic conversational experience with biblical characters.

“Instead of just getting a daily Bible verse, now you get a chance through this app to chat with Jesus or anybody else in the Bible,” he shared with the outlet.

Do you know you can engage with biblical figures through AI conversation in the 'Text with Jesus AI' app? Keep reading and explore now!

What is AI Jesus (Text with Jesus App) for real?

Text with Jesus is an AI chatbot that features a diverse array of biblical figures, ranging from Jesus Christ and the Holy Family to prominent biblical personalities like King Solomon, Jonah, and Moses. The app continually adds new figures to enhance your spiritual experience.

It’s important to note that the AI responses generated by the app align with the teachings of the Bible.

Can you trust the Jesus AI?

A common question that arises when discussing the app is whether it’s blasphemous. The creators of “Text with Jesus” emphasize that the app is a tool for exploration, education, and engagement with biblical narratives. It doesn’t aim to replace or mimic direct communication with divine entities, which is a deeply personal aspect of one’s faith.

Do you know you can engage with biblical figures through AI conversation in the 'Text with Jesus AI' app? Keep reading and explore now!

The AI simply draws from a vast corpus of biblical and religious texts to generate responses, fostering reflection and understanding.

Bible versions and inclusivity

The app draws from various versions of the Bible, including the King James Version and public domain editions, to ensure the most contextually appropriate responses. Moreover, the app aims to be inclusive of all Christian denominations and faiths, allowing users to specify their faith traditions for tailored conversations.

Finding the AI Jesus: How to text with Jesus

“Text with Jesus” is currently available on iOS, iPad, and Mac, with plans to expand to Android and the web in the near future. It’s compatible with iOS and iPadOS 16 or later and macOS 13 (Ventura) or later. Users can cancel their subscriptions at any time, and conversations are stored securely and privately.

Do you know you can engage with biblical figures through AI conversation in the 'Text with Jesus AI' app? Keep reading and explore now!

The app developers are open to user suggestions for adding new biblical figures. If you have a specific character in mind, you can email your request to [email protected]. For any support inquiries, you can reach out to [email protected].

So, what would you ask Jesus today?

Featured image credit: Text with Jesus

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