The best books to learn about Decentralized Finance (DeFi) in 2021

Source Node: 1039638
  • Authors: CoinGecko, Darren Lau, Daryl Lau, Sze Jin Teh, Kristian Kho, Erina Azmi, TM Lee, Bobby Ong
  • Year: 2020
  • Buy on Amazon: Paperback

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is an ecosystem of decentralized applications that provide financial services built on top of distributed networks with no governing authority. At the time of writing (March 2020), DeFi applications have locked up over $1 billion worth of cryptocurrencies in smart contracts.

In this book, you will discover:

  • What is DeFi and their differences with traditional finance
  • What is Ethereum and its role in DeFi
  • Step-by-step guides in using the various DeFi applications
  • Real-life use cases of DeFi and how you too can earn from opportunities within the space

You can profit from DeFi — the exciting world of Decentralized Finance!
The Wall Street Era is Over explains how to succeed and invest safely in DeFi, the industry that’s leading the way for the Finance 3.0 revolution.

Which topics does this book cover?

This far-reaching resource is ‘The Investor’s Guide to Cryptocurrency and DeFi, the Decentralized Finance Revolution’. It covers the following key topics, plus many more:

  • The history of DeFi and its role within crypto
  • What makes DeFi different from traditional finance
  • The most important DeFi protocols
  • How DeFi protocols earn revenue
  • The DeFi investor rulebook
  • Yield farming — what it is and why it matters
  • How to succeed at yield farming
  • Investing safely in DeFi
  • DeFi scams and how to avoid them
  • The role of smart contract auditing
  • The future of DeFi, including NFTs and evolving tech

Interested in learning about the Future of Finance?
The DeFi network has risen from zero to about $42 billion in value locked!

The Decentralized Finance (DeFi) movement has been growing steadily since Bitcoin and Ethereum were introduced to the world.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is a new way to borrow, lend, trade, save and invest. It’s an open-source financial system that has no central authority or middlemen. DeFi allows you to take control of your money and make decisions without relying on banks or other third parties.

This book will help you learn how it all works so you can take advantage of these opportunities yourself!

You can use cryptocurrency as collateral for loans! Invest in crypto-assets with up to 10x leverage! Trade tokens like stocks on decentralized exchanges! Earn interest by lending your ETH or BTC!

Cryptocurrencies are the fastest appreciating asset class, outperforming stocks, real estate and precious metals. Many people want to get involved but don’t know where to start. They have heard about crypto, perhaps don’t understand it fully but don’t want to end up like some of the horror stories in crypto. Others have started to explore but don’t know which step to take next. It can be the wild west out there…

What is Defi? Guides can help. In this book, you will discover.

  • You can earn yield even in a bear market.
  • You can keep control of your wealth.
  • You can partake in the fastest growing asset class without the high-risk trading tactics.
  • Discover things you never knew about Bitcoin and the crypto space.
  • Understand what opportunities are currently open for safe but lucrative investments.
  • A deep dive into one of the most intriguing projects on the blockchain.
  • You can stop spending nights looking at charts.
  • Authors: Alex Anderson
  • Year: 2020
  • Buy on Amazon: Kindle

Decentralized finance began with payment in cryptocurrencies, but now covers many more activities such as borrowing, lending, saving, decentralized exchanges and much more.

What exactly is DeFi? Why does it represent a serious challenge to traditional finance? How come everybody is talking about it right now?

Now, for the first time, all these and many more questions will be answered in a simple, easy-to-understand and comprehensive guide “DeFi — Decentralized Finance — A Comprehensive Guide”.

In this book you’ll learn:

  • What Decentralized Finance is (and what it isn’t)
  • Why DeFi Is Rapidly Becoming More Popular and Powerful
  • What You Can Do With DeFi (You’ll Be Impressed)
  • How To Monetize Crypto-Savings for Stable Crypto-Income
  • How To Take out Crypto Loans
  • How You Can Invest in DeFi (Profit From Its Rise!)
  • Limitations — What DeFi Can’t Do (Yet)

Plus, you will also get the free bonus chapters:

  • The 12 Most Promising DeFi Projects You Need To Know
  • Essential DeFi Trends to Watch For
  • Authors: Guillermo Jimenez
  • Year: 2021
  • Buy on Amazon: Kindle

Decentralized applications are a radical new way of building applications. But will anyone use them?

It’s time to cut out the middleman. Why pay for a company to provide a ride-sharing service when you could use an app that connects you to the riders and doesn’t take a cut? That’s the promise being offered by Dapps, or decentralized apps.


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