The Crypto Roundup: 16 January 2024 |

The Crypto Roundup: 16 January 2024 |

Source Node: 3065410

Cryptocurrency advocacy group Coin Center has responded to an inquiry from Senator Elizabeth Warren into its hiring of former government officials, standing its ground and defending its right to participate in public policy discussions.

Warren, a Democrat from Massachusetts, had expressed concerns about the hiring of former government officials potentially sabotaging legislative efforts. She also accused crypto organizations like Coinbase of deliberately hiring ex-defense and law enforcement officials to weaken Congressional actions addressing crypto’s alleged role in financing groups like Hamas.

In response, Coin Center stood its ground and rejected the idea that participating in public policy discussions equates to obstructing Congressional efforts.

Coin Center challenged the notion that the regulations proposed by Warren, which she termed as common sense, were in fact unfair, impracticable, and unconstitutional.

Regarding the use of cryptocurrency by organizations such as Hamas, Coin Center argued that Warren’s proposals would be ineffective, suggesting that efforts should focus on more proven methods to prevent terrorist financing.

Concluding their response, Coin Center declined to provide further answers to Warren’s queries but expressed willingness to engage in “honest, respectful policy discussions” in the future.

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