The Early Investing Podcast: Ray Dalio Misjudges the Eurozone

The Early Investing Podcast: Ray Dalio Misjudges the Eurozone

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According to Ray Dalio — owner of the largest hedge fund in the world — the Eurozone is in trouble. The Eurozone comprises 19 countries, including Spain, France and Germany. And Dalio thinks it’s in gradual decline.

“Its weaknesses are its people’s lower than average work ethic and low self-sufficiency and its relatively poor allocation of labor and capital,” Dalio said.

But if you ask us, Dalio is dead wrong. This isn’t about work ethic. It’s about so much more than that. 

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In this episode of The Early Investing Podcast, Vin Narayanan and Allison Brickell discuss why Dalio missed the mark, how the workaholic U.S. differs from Europe, how hyperproductivity relates to startups and more.

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