The reconstruction of Palanga Airport is complete: air gates are ready to resume operations

Source Node: 1185726

The reconstruction of Palanga Airport, which started a month and a half ago, has been completed. All the planned works have been completed: the runway and taxiway have been upgraded, the apron has been reconstructed, and the engineering and lighting systems have been renewed. On Thursday (21 October), the airport will resume operations after a 45-day shut-down and will welcome its first scheduled flights.

The renovation of Palanga Airport in accordance with the latest international standards will ensure the safety of airport operations and faster aircraft servicing, as well as the safe movement of aircraft and savings in fuel costs. The reconstruction has made the airport more environmentally friendly, thanks to the introduction of eco-friendly solutions.

What has been done?

One of the most important works carried out during the reconstruction of Palanga Airport is the renewal of the runway, which is almost 2.3 kilometres long and 45 metres wide. Replacement of the top layers of asphalt and deeper levelling layers. In total, more than 200,000 square metres of old asphalt were replaced.

The signal light system has been redesigned to be more efficient and environmentally friendly by replacing the old lamps with energy-saving LED lights. The work involved the installation of around 100 kilometres of cabling and more than 600 new lights. These solutions should reduce electricity consumption by around 20% for the runway lighting alone after the reconstruction.

The issue of reducing CO2 emissions during the reconstruction has been addressed on the apron itself by installing specialised aircraft Ground Power Unit (GPU) in certain aircraft aprons, underground. Once they are in use, Palanga Airport will no longer need diesel power equipment in most cases.

In the last week before the opening of Palanga Airport, various aviation safety and security tests have been carried out, which are important for aircraft traffic after the opening of the airport. The day before the air gates opened, an inspection procedure was carried out – a detailed inspection of the entire airport area.

Lithuanian Airports reminds that the remaining reconstruction works will be carried out until 1 December 2021 – the processes will take place at the existing airport and normal procedures will not be interfered with.

Vilnius, 20 October 2021


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