The Science of Playground Swings

The Science of Playground Swings

Source Node: 2599890

On the playground there was often a kid who somehow swung on the swing better than any of the other kids could swing on the swing. It never seemed like they were taller or more athletic or even really more enthusiastic or experienced. They just swung that swing amazingly well. How can we swing as well as that kid? Science. And how does science determine the most efficient swing method? Frequency models. Here’s more from ScienceAlert:

Here’s how to swing perfectly, as determined by a new study by researchers from Japan and Australia: When you’re just starting with the swinging, lean all the way back on the forward swing just as it passes its equilibrium point (with the swing chains pointing straight down)…. As the swinging motion builds momentum, you need to start leaning back earlier – ideally at the highest point on the backward swing, just before you start going forward again. It’s this change that maximizes the oscillations of the swing.

[The frequency model used] proposes that people shift their weight automatically based distance of each swinging motion and their point in it, but there are issues with this model. Specifically, it suggests a jarring, unnatural adjustment in position, whereas, in reality, it’s a smooth and seamless one.

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