The Ultimate Guide: Grow Better Weed With CO2

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Seaweed is cheap and easy to access for those who live near the sea. Did you know that you can use seaweed for cannabis growth? Yes, this is because it has beneficial nutrients that help your cannabis plants survive and grow.

The use of high quality nutrients is important during the cannabis growing cycle. Having an accurate flow of nutrients into the soil of your plants will ensure maximum health, vitality and yield. This means that you avoid the risk of your plants encountering defects, which can damage their health, reduce their growth, and cut the valuable result of the harvest. That is a good reason for you to use Seaweed for cannabis growth.

There are plenty of options to choose from when it comes to nutrients for your crops, from waste food products to commercial product. Well, apart from those two options, I would like to introduce another unique and effective food for your weed – seaweed.

Seaweed is y crowded with beneficial nutrients that your cannabis plants will happily use to achieve optimal health, size and growth. This natural weed is available to farmers in many forms. 

The first form of seaweed is cheaper and more accessible to those living near the beach I’m talking about simple seaweed, which can be harvested during the trip to the beach.

Advantages Of Using Seaweed Extract For Cannabis Growth

Many types of seaweed have been used in agricultural systems around the world for centuries. Fresh weed contains large and small plant nutrients and minerals absorbed from the ocean. These include minerals such as sulfur, magnesium, boron and calcium.

When incorporated into the ground and in the diet, seaweed may also contain beneficial vitamins such as A, C, B12, K and E. The weed also contains substances that control plant growth, which contributes to the rapid and explosive growth of your weed plant.

Use seaweed for cannabis growth to help retain soil moisture and reduce the amount of water your plants need. When used for mulching, liquid seaweed can reduce or eliminate the need to clear your garden and act as a barrier to the formation of invasive plants.

The weed also produces compounds that act against certain fungi, viruses and bacteria. They act like “medicine” for the cannabis plant. In addition to fighting the bad bacteria, the seaweed helps to stabilize the soil and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Kelp: A Nutritional Power

Kelp is a type of algae seaweed that is particularly nutritious. There are about 23 different varieties of kelp grown around the world. They form underwater kelp forests and grow in shallow, nutritious water. t is this environment that makes kelp so effective for cannabis and other plants. The weed absorbs large numbers of marine minerals and dissolves in the soil when added as compost.

Kelp is capable of meeting most of the nutritional needs of the cannabis plant. In total, it contains more than 60 trace elements necessary for the growth of the herb. These include iron, manganese, cobalt, zinc and molybdenum. Many of these minerals are important micronutrients for cannabis. Although only needed in small quantities, they perform important physiological processes.

For example, iron is essential for energy production and the formation of the green pigment chlorophyll. In addition, plants use micronutrient manganese during photosynthesis, respiration and nitrogen synthesis. Kelp is an excellent source of organic nutrients that fuel these processes.

Kelp provides more than just nutrients. Seaweeds also help to stimulate beneficial microorganisms in the soil. They form synergistic relationships with plants. In exchange for sugar emissions, they break down organic matter and help their plant counterparts access vital nutrients.

Kelp helps control the pH of the soil, which is essential during cannabis cultivation. Cannabis needs a soil pH between 6 and 7 to grow properly. If the pH fluctuates above or below this pleasant spot, the roots will not be able to take in nutrients effectively. Kelp’s broad beneficial molecules help cannabis plants during the germination process and allow them to form sturdy and strong stems and branches.

Different Forms Of Kelp

There’re many Kelp forms. Growers can add liquid seaweed extract to the cannabis. Pour around two teaspoons of seaweed extract in five liters of water. Liquid Kelp also boasts the presence of growth hormones that promote the growth of healthy roots.

Kelp food is the second form of supplement. Add 0.5 kg / 9 m2 to the soil. It takes four months for nutrients to be released into the soil, so add this well before the outdoor growing season begins.

Finally, kelp powder can be used as a foliar spray because the nutrients are available for direct absorption. Add half a teaspoon of powder in 5 liters of water and spray!


Seaweed For Your Garden

If you live next to the sea, the easiest way to get the weed is to find it yourself. It eliminates any price and is a perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in nature for a while.

Before you do so, research the area where you plan to explore. It is not advisable to take the seaweed from the contaminated area as it may introduce unpleasant substances in your garden. In addition, it’s good to check if there are any restrictions that prohibit the taking of seaweed from the local environment.

If the weeds are in an open place, go to the beach with a bag and collect a pound. Use an ethnic guide to identify what you are taking.

Once harvested, go home and wash your grace. Next, it is time to decide what to do with it.


Most seaweeds can be applied directly to the soil via mulch and break down very quickly. Lay the weed on top of your soil and let nature take its course.


Considering all the nutritional benefits, it is clear that seaweed will improve your plant’s performance. Do not forget to mix the weeds well with the remaining ingredients to prevent airflow reduction.

Liquid Fertilizer

Liquid fertilizer is very easy to make and very easy to plant. It may also be highly concentrated, so less should be used. Remember, liquid seaweed extract will help in growth of cannabis plants.

Bottom Line

You don’t have to live far deep in the mainland for your marijuana to thrive. However, with seaweed being cannabis superfood, you can always get your expected yield at the end of the season. Once you realize the benefits of seaweed, you will no longer worry about the harvest. Feed your cannabis with seaweed, marijuana’s superfood as much as you can.



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