This Activity is Dangerous

This Activity is Dangerous

Source Node: 1933757

This activity is dangerous. Full stop. On average, approximately 42,000 people in North America die of it every year.

Lack of experience plays a critical role. Newcomers may not have the skills or knowledge to handle certain situations. They may not anticipate the hazards we associate with this activity. They may have difficulty navigating unfamiliar experiences.

A lack of knowledge of the laws and regulations can lead to mistakes. A lack of confidence in their abilities can lead to unwise decisions.

A newcomer to this activity needs experience to make good judgment calls consistently. But even veterans of it can overcompensate, leading to mistakes and increased danger.

Newcomers aren’t always aware of their blind spots. And even veterans may need help understanding all the costs and benefits of the activity.

Because, make no mistake, this activity is dangerous. You don’t have to be new to it to risk dying from it. It doesn’t even have to be your fault.

This Activity is Dangerous

This activity is dangerous whether you’re new to it or a veteran. In fact, when you’ve been doing it for a while, it’s more likely to have become a habit—leaving your conscious mind to wander and get distracted.

Regardless of how long you’ve been doing it, you may increase the likelihood of an accident if you’re not fully conscious of the experience. You increase the danger if you’re not careful with your reaction time or aware of your surroundings.

In fact, if you’re reckless with it, you could:

  • damage property
  • increase the likelihood of fatal mistakes and serious accidents
  • increase the risk of injury to yourself or even others
  • increase the possibility of receiving criminal charges
  • reduce your ability to react to the unexpected
  • reduce your situational awareness
  • increased likelihood of death

This activity is dangerous.

Why Do We Do This?

This Activity is Dangerous

You may find yourself walking down a city street. You may find yourself asking, “why is it like this?”

Of course, some people have always enjoyed the adrenaline rush or excitement that comes with dangerous activities. Others may lack awareness or understanding of the actual risks.

Some may feel pressured into doing it by friends, family, or co-workers. Others think they must do it because that’s how you play the game. That’s how the world works. 

Others feel they were born to do this.

Of course, some people may have no self-control. They engage in the activity because it’s fun or convenient, but they have trouble controlling themselves. Almost like they become a different person.

Others may be more likely to engage in the behaviour due to their socioeconomic status. It may be a status symbol.

Regardless, this behaviour doesn’t only affect them. It can affect you too.

Is it a Choice?

This activity is dangerous, but ultimately it’s a choice. Often, it feels necessary due to the lack of alternatives or the practical needs it serves. But engaging in this dangerous activity is a choice.

What about brain changes? Well, what about them?

The brain can change and adapt to new habits, becoming more efficient at performing repeating tasks. This is known as neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to change and adapt in response to new experiences and learning.

The process works the same way whether the habits we’ve picked up are safe or dangerous.

Driving a Car is a Dangerous Activity

Driving a car is a dangerous activity. Full stop. What did you think I was talking about? Drugs?


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