Top 10 Things That Make a Great California Real Estate Agent (2021)

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California Real Estate Agents

A top notch California Real Estate Agent is a useful ally. California is one of the most sought after places to live in the United States, and for good reason. California is home to one of the biggest entertainment industries, restaurants and food, construction, education, internet publishing, broadcasting and more!

While the homeownership rate in California is sitting at 54.8%, there are approximately 422,496 licensees in the state. The hard part is determining which agent you’ll hire on to help buy or sell a house.

It should be noted that a top real estate agent has a certain skill set and certain qualities that separate them from the less than qualified agents out there.

For starters, agents know the ins and outs of their trade, and are professional negotiators. They are the connection between you and your interested buyers, or the person you wish to buy from.

A top California real estate agent is your biggest strength when buying or selling a home in California. They stay on top of all their tasks, including: phone calls, in person and online marketing, handling legal documents, and rough negotiations.

What Qualities Make a Great California Real Estate Agent?

When browsing through the top real estate agents, you’ll need to cross reference these traits between your list of potential agents. Here are some qualities of top real estate agents in California to look out for before you hire someone on!

Professional in Every Situation: A California real estate agent always stays professional when handling negotiations, communicating with clients, and in their marketing. A professional California agent takes the time to dot their I’s and cross their T’s so to speak. In other words, they are detail oriented, and never want you to feel like you’re working with a novice.

Great Communicator: A top real estate agent is your go-to for any questions or concerns. They respond promptly to your text messages, emails, and phone calls. They’re never too busy to talk to you. 

Gets to Know You: A great California real estate agent takes the time to get to know their client. They discuss the client’s goals and concerns when it comes to the purchase or sale of a home. They make you feel comfortable working with them instead of intimidated. A good agent will never make you feel like you’re “just another sale”. 

Stays on Top of Market Trends: A professional real estate agent knows their stuff. They stay on top of trends within the real estate market. California real estate agents are versed in the good and the bad when it comes to buying and selling in the state. They remain a fountain of knowledge, and know when’s the best time to make a decision. 

California Real Estate Agent Data

When interviewing your selection of California real estate agents, you’ll want to look for the qualities mentioned above. You can usually tell that they have these qualities from speaking with them at length or by reading their reviews online.

When browsing through the top California real estate agents, you’ll need to cross reference these numbers between your choices:

Number of Successful Sales: The more houses an agent has sold, the more credibility they have. With such a competitive market out there, it can be hard as a real estate agent to close a deal that the buyer and seller can both agree on. Seeing a larger number of closed sales means they are master negotiators. They’ve stayed on top of trends, and most importantly they have experience.

Real Estate Agent Certifications and Awards: Look out for the types of certifications and awards this agent has on their various social media profiles or real estate listing.

Years of Experience: This should be pretty self explanatory, you want to choose an agent that has been around the block. Research how long they’ve been a licensed agent and cross reference it with their success rate.

Education/Degrees: Most agents have their list of educational degrees on their Linkedin profile, their Facebook page, and on their FastExpert profile!

Amount of Time Their Clients Homes Spent on the Market: If you can access this information, you can get a good idea of how long you may be working with this particular agent. Most home listing websites keep sold homes available to view. You can see when the home profile was listed and when it was marked sold.

Their Online Presence/How They Market Themselves: A simple search. Google the agent’s name and see what comes up! Scan their FastExpert profile, their Facebook page, their website, the brokerage they work for, and anything else you can find!

How Their Clients Rated Them:You can find agent ratings within sites like FastExpert to see what their client’s thought of their work. The more five star ratings the better. However, we find that four star ratings can be a bit more honest and thought out.

The Bottom Line

When you research and cross reference the following, you should be in good shape to find a real estate agent in California. One that will work for your specific needs in the buying or selling process. These qualities are what makes a great California real estate agent!


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