Twitter Rolled Out Bitcoin Tipping Feature Worldwide: Report

Source Node: 1091342

Twitter rolled out Bitcoin tipping feature across the world and now users can send each other BTC as tips starting today so let’s find out more in our latest bitcoin news.

Twitter rolled out Bitcoin tipping features including support for Lightning wallets as a part of the larger plant o support the creators on the platforms. The company even announced features noting that BTC operates without global barriers and declared that the crypto initiatives will help participate in the “evolving decentralized news.”

Twitter users will have two options to employ the BTC tips. The first is via the menu of payment options which include Square’s Cash App and Go Fund Me that will allow users to send tips to a BTC address or to send money in a more conventional way. The other option is via Strike which is a Bitcoin payment application that is built atop the Lightning Network as a layer 2 service that is meant to improve the speed and to reduce transaction costs. Twitter said that BTC tipping will be available from Thursday to everyone across the world that uses an iOS device and that support for the Android devices will arrive in the near future. The company even sent a series of tweets that show how the users can use this feature.


The Tipping rollout came as the company started working fast on the community and payment products to help the users make money from their activity on the platform. The products that have been available to a smaller group of people include the service called “super Followers” and “spaces” which allows users to host events for an audience. The announcement included plans to explore the NFTs for authenticatio as they allow people to create unique digital artifacts on the blockchain. Twitter provided an image showing “Twitter NFTs” but really gave a few details about what exactly the company intends to do with the NFTs. The company Executive Esther Crawford said:

“It’s a way to support creators making this art with a stamp to demonstrate authenticity,. By allowing people to connect their Bitcoin wallets, they can track and showcase their NFT ownership on Twitter.”

Crawford stated that the NFTs could come in badges form and could make it clear that this is an authenticated avatar that suggests the tools could implement Twitter’s existing system of offering the blue checkmark for the users. One Twitter spokesperson declined to say what Blockchain will be chosen to host the NFTs or when exactly the feature will be offered but the company also announced other products including a planned expansion of the tweet character limit and the support for creators that use Spaces.


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