Two Minutes on Bitcoin — May 26, 2021

Source Node: 883151

In the February monthly issue of Crypto is Easy, I confessed that I’m more tortoise, less hare. Steady persistence rather than bursts of frenetic activity.

In a market full of traders, degens, and moonboys, I’m content to wait for my opportunity to come. I don’t want to find the right time to sell my crypto for more of my government’s money, I want to find the right time to sell my government’s money for more crypto.

When I posted my February issue, the market was on the path to reach its peak. Only a long sideways move or a very big crash could keep it from topping out sooner and at a lower price than everybody expected.

Fortunately, we got a sideways move and a crash. As a result, we didn’t reach a market cycle peak.

My point remains the same now as then: it’s ok to wait for your opportunity to come.

Now that opportunity has come.

Two months ago, you could pull a 300% swing trade out of your rear end. 3,000% returns would have seemed laughable.

Now, you’re not likely to pull a 300% swing trade out of your rear end. Only really savvy traders can do that.

But 3,000% returns on some altcoins? You can expect some will do that before the market cycle peaks, whether that’s later this year or sometime farther into the future.

As long as you have the courage to act now and the patience to wait for your rewards.

Everybody wants fast money, but fast money is hard money — hard to find, hard to get, hard to keep.

Easy money is slow money — boring and abundant.

This market will give you easy money, but never when the hares are running.

Today, the hares are sleeping. Gas fees are low. Transaction fees are low. Prices are low. They may even go lower as the market bleeds (if it even does so).

A little investment now goes a long way later.

Or would you rather wait until fees and prices go up and you have to chase after the market again?


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