Types Of Weed Grinders

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Being able to grind your weed effectively is something you should highly consider. When you break down your marijuana using a proper grinder, you increase the weed’s surface area, thus causing it to burn evenly when smoked. In addition, the process makes it easier for you to extract more cannabinoids from marijuana and makes the smoking session more enjoyable.


Herb grinders come in a variety of different shapes, design types, and sizes. Starting with the basic acrylic 2-piece weed grinder to a more complicated 4 or 5-piece metal weed grinder, you can now break down your weed to your preferred size before you sit down on a couch to enjoy it with your friends. 
In this guide, we’ll delve into the subject of marijuana grinders. Apart from reviewing the various types of marijuana grinders, you will also learn the subtle differences that distinguish each of the grinders

Let’s start with the first type of marijuana grinder that many people know:

Acrylic Grinders

Acrylic weed grinders are lightweight and are easy to use for beginners. These grinders are convenient when you are on the move. You can slide them into your pocket more comfortably and quickly go where you need to go. As the name implies, these types of cannabis grinders are made from acrylic material, usually coming in a 2-part model as well as a 3-part model, which would feature a compartment for storing kief. Although cost-effective and lightweight, acrylic grinders are fitted with plastic teeth, which do not last long, especially if you use the grinder regularly.

Papers and Grinder

Wooden Grinders

Wooden grinders for weed are an effective method for breaking down marijuana buds, however they might not be as good at evenly grinding weed as other options on the market.

These wooden grinders only come in a two-part model featuring a lid and a grinder. The grinder features pointed metal teeth that resemble nails. These can tend to be problematic when tearing through thick dense nugs.

A downside to wooden grinders also is that over time the lid can become quite a hassle to twist as the sticky kief can build up inside the crevices. Also the lack of a kief compartment can be a nuisance when it comes to wooden grinders. 

Metal Grinders

When it comes to effective designs for weed grinders, metallic weed grinders are one of the most effective designs
The grinder contains strong metallic teeth that are durable, which means they usually do not wear down very easily. They are also able to cut through the thickest marijuana buds with relative ease. They are also easier to clean which means that the sticky kief can be removed easily. This allows for a much easier time when twist grinding your weed. 
When it comes to durability, this version of grinder can be made quite strong and could withstand a drop without getting heavily damaged. Metal grinders boast 2, 3, and even 4 compartment models – which allows for a good variety of choices.

Metal Grinder

Electric Grinders

There comes a time when it feels as if using a manual cannabis grinder is a waste of time and effort. Enter the electric grinder. This model can be a dependable way of getting perfectly ground weed every time you grindThe design of this particular type of grinder resembles that of a stick blender.
The procedure for grinding is very simple: Pack your marijuana buds into the grinding compartment, attach it to the grinder, close the lid tightly, and hit the grind button. Soon you will have smooth ground weed, ready to be rolled.

Grater Grinders

A grater is the final design type when it comes to the varieties of grinders for weed. Simply put, a grater is just a piece of serrated metal that would allow for shredding of the buds when you rub your weed against it. It works sort of like a cheese grater.

The only downside, however, is that as you rub the buds, it tends to spit pieces of weed all over the place and may prove to be impractical.

PS: When buying weed grinders, you need to remember one more thing – an important feature that differentiates grinders.

Number of Grinder Compartments and Why it Matters

Grinder Compartments

Different grinder designs allow for either fewer or additional compartments to achieve an even finer grind. The more compartments in a cannabis grinder, the easier it becomes to achieve a fine grind.

2 – piece Grinder: The first type of compartmentalized grinder is the basic 2 – piece grinder, which features just a lid and a grinding compartment. This type of grinder does not boast a kief compartment but the advantage of this type of grinder is its small size, which makes it very portable. In fact, you can slip it into your pocket.

3 – Piece Grinder: Another compartmentalized design is a 3 – piece cannabis grinder which features an extra compartment, that is designed to catch fine marijuana particles which fall through holes that are drilled next to the grinding teeth. This means that as you twist and turn the grinder, more of the bud breaks and collects at the bottom.

4 – Piece grinder: A 4 –piece variety of weed grinders is also available. This is one of the best varieties of grinders on the market, as this particular grinder boasts three compartments as well as an extra fourth compartment at the bottom. As well as cutting weed, it goes even further and sieves it in order to leave a fine kief at the grinder’s base.

5 – Piece Grinder: The last type of compartmentalized grinder is a 5- piece marijuana grinder. If kief from the 4- piece grinder is not fine enough, this type features a kief screen that goes an extra mile to filter the fine kief into pure cannabis pollen that collects at the bottom compartment. This is the purest and finest form of ground weed.

Final Thoughts

A proper weed grinder is an extremely important piece of equipment, that can ease and enhance your smoking experience. The fact that grinders break down your marijuana into small bits that you can smoke instead of forcing you to use your hands is incredible. A good grinder will allow you to collect your kief, instead of wasting it as it sticks to your hands when you use them to break up buds. As a weed connoisseur myself, I would absolutely invest in a grinder that suits your preference, in order to make the grinding process easier

Source: https://amsterdammarijuanaseeds.com/blog/the-differences-in-weed-grinders/

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