Ubiquiti Networks loses $46million to the hackers | Data Breach

Ubiquiti Networks loses $46million to the hackers | Data Breach

Source Node: 2763350

Email Security Reading Time: 2 minutes

It has been reported that networking firm Ubiquiti Networks was the victim of cyber theft, where more than $46million was stolen – based on the spoofing of executive emails.

Email Security

KrebsOnSecurity does a great job of highlighting some of the recent cyberthefts via email spoofing in the last few months alone.

Spoofing or highjacking of executive emails has become more and more common as cyber criminals look at every possible angle to exploit, steal and manipulate technology.

If you got an email from someone on your senior management team, would you think it was authentic? You probably wouldn’t think twice and would assume it was authentic – and that’s the problem today.

What technology should IT administrators have in place to help prevent email spoofing?

  • Have a specific anti-spam solution running on all corporate mail servers
  • Have a pre-perimeter defense strategy, that guards against spam, phishing emails and virus-infected attachments
  • Have a back-up archive that stores mail for future recovery and a forensic-grade audit log detailing all mail related events

Comodo Antispam Gateway (ASG) can significantly help enterprise environments eliminate the threat of spoofing email with an advanced email filtering solution designed to free employee inboxes of junk mail. Among the highlights:

Comodo ASG offers better protection. CASG provides gateway filtering of email. This means messages are intercepted and filtered by CASG servers before being forwarded on to your mail server – ensuring a clean mail stream is delivered to your end users. Unlike a local antispam solution, unsolicited and virus-carrying mail never touches the corporate network.

Comodo ASG is always up to date. As a cloud based service, CASG filters mail against whitelists and blacklists which are constantly updated in real-time. This offers far greater protection than periodically downloading whitelists and blacklists or having to occasionally update device firmware.

Comodo ASG is easier to manage. CASG is outsourced antispam, so your business needn’t purchase dedicated hardware that needs maintenance and updates. Admins just add their domains to the CASG console, point their MX records to the CASG servers and filtering begins immediately.

Find out more about Comodo ASG at https://www.comodo.com/business-security/email-security/antispam-gateway.php


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