UnaBiz releases Sigfox 0G device library code

UnaBiz releases Sigfox 0G device library code

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UnaBiz releases Sigfox 0G device library code
Ryan is a senior editor at TechForge Media with over a decade of experience covering the latest technology and interviewing leading industry figures. He can often be sighted at tech conferences with a strong coffee in one hand and a laptop in the other. If it’s geeky, he’s probably into it. Find him on Twitter (@Gadget_Ry) or Mastodon (@gadgetry@techhub.social)

Massive IoT service provider and integrator UnaBiz has released the Sigfox 0G technology device library code for connected objects to the public and IoT development community.

UnaBiz claims the release marks “a significant step” in driving technology interoperability and the unification of LPWANs in the IoT industry. The company notes that it aligns with its “Technology Convergence” movement that started when it acquired the Sigfox 0G technology in April 2022.

Henri Bong, Co-Founder and CEO of UnaBiz, said:

“This is an exciting moment for the Sigfox 0G technology community who has seen the recent announcement of our collaboration with LoRaWAN players.

We cannot do this alone. In order to make significant progress in convergence, we need to open up Sigfox and enable the entire IoT ecosystem to join us in the movement.

The company’s recent announcement with LoRaWAN players such as The Things Industries, Senet, and Loriot has enabled partnerships that share UnaBiz’s convergence vision.

“While partnerships with LPWAN actors will strengthen our position as a leading provider of IoT connectivity solutions, we also need to enable the ecosystem to create hybrid IoT solutions that will ultimately be offered to businesses across a wide range of industries,” added Bong.

With the release of the Sigfox 0G device library, developers, engineers, users, and students can now integrate the technology into their IoT devices and applications, develop energy-efficient solutions with multi-connectivity, and build extra features on top of the library. 

Alexis Susset, Group CTO of UnaBiz, commented:

“The opening of the Sigfox 0G device library brings freedom to the chipset, module manufacturers, and developers.

They can now adapt the memory footprint of their solutions based on the use cases, be it advanced communication devices that require bi-directional communication, or simple IoT devices that require uplink-only communication.”

The release of the proprietary technology is a significant step towards facilitating the creation of highly optimised IoT solutions in terms of cost and energy consumption, and it enables interoperability and standardisation that allows seamless integration of devices and systems across applications and protocols. 

By providing total access to the 0G technology, UnaBiz is enabling the creation of innovative applications that can improve people’s lives and drive business growth in the most energy-efficient manner.

“By giving them total access to the 0G technology, we are enabling the creation of highly optimised IoT solutions in terms of cost and energy consumption,” explained Susset.

The device library’s flexibility gives developers the freedom to fully customise their solution for a specific application and subsequently enhance the overall performance of the solution. 

“The open library also facilitates interoperability and standardisation, allowing seamless integration of devices and systems across applications and protocols,” added Susset.

UnaBiz’s release of the Sigfox 0G device library by UnaBiz is a significant step towards driving technology interoperability and unification of LPWANs in the IoT industry.

Developers, engineers, users, and students can now fully unleash the power of Sigfox 0G technology and build energy-efficient innovative applications that can improve people’s lives and drive business growth.

You can find the Sigfox 0G device library code on GitHub here.

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