Unbabel’s New Year’s Giveaway Winner 2015: GoCardless

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On January 6th, we launched our New Year Giveaway. It was our first ever so we went big: 15,000 words, any three languages you want (provided they’re on the platform). We let the giveaway run for a full three weeks and received nearly 1,000 entries from over 100 businesses and individuals with international ambitions.

Fate would have it that the gods within Random.org’s algorithm would match us with one of our own: fellow Y Combinator alumnus GoCardless!

GoCardless was the winner of our New Year Giveaway. They will be translating a section of their website on SEPA regulations into Spanish, German, and Dutch to help them expand internationally later this year.

Based out of London, GoCardless collects hundreds of millions of pounds every year for over 30,000 people, businesses, and organizations in the UK via its no-hassle API. Having raised a $7 million Series B in early 2014 to improve their product and build their team, GoCardless is looking abroad in 2015.

With the French translation of their marketing site already underway, GoCardless plans to Unbabel 15,000 words of dense SEPA (the Single European Payments Area) guidelines, which will help in explaining their business to customers in Spain, Germany, and the Netherlands — their top three international markets where they don’t already have language coverage.

Everyone at Unbabel is excited about teaming up with GoCardless to take their business abroad, and help them toward the sort of explosive growth that a properly executed internationalization strategy can catalyze.

 For more information about GoCardless, visit their website at www.gocardless.com.  To learn more about Unbabel and the opportunities that we can help unlock for your business, visit us at www.unbabel.com or subscribe to our newsletter.

Source: https://unbabel.com/blog/and-the-new-year-giveaway-winner-is/

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