Uniswap’s Shocking zkEVM Launch Ignites Crypto World

Uniswap’s Shocking zkEVM Launch Ignites Crypto World

Source Node: 2586430
  1. Uniswap set to launch on zkEVM
  2. 42.4 million votes support integration
  3. Gauntlet, ConsenSys lead voting

In a surprising turn of events, decentralized exchange (DEX) Uniswap is poised to make its debut on Polygon’s novel zero-knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine (zkEVM) roll-up solution. This development has the potential to reshape the landscape of decentralized finance.

As of April 14, 9:05 pm UTC, the Uniswap community had until to vote on the proposal to introduce Uniswap v3 on the zkEVM platform. Despite the 40 million vote requirement to pass the proposal, the initiative garnered over 42.4 million votes, illustrating the overwhelming support for the integration.

Remarkably, all 191 Ethereum addresses that participated in the voting process were in favor of the proposal. Financial modeling platform Gauntlet and Ethereum infrastructure provider ConsenSys played a pivotal role in the voting process, each contributing more than 7 million votes, as revealed by Tally – a popular voting dashboard for DeFi projects.

Polygon Business Development Lead Jack Melnick, the proposal’s architect, emphasized that the timing is impeccable for Uniswap v3’s integration into Polygon’s zkEVM. He stressed that the zkEVM is “EVM equivalent,” which eliminates the need to recompile EVM smart contracts.

Moreover, Melnick highlighted that the integration would offer validation and expedited finality for off-chain transactions, further solidifying the benefits of this groundbreaking move in the world of decentralized finance.

In other news, Mastercard has recently embraced numerous Web3 integrations and made a leap into the Web3 domain. The most recent development occurred on April 12 when the company unveiled a revolutionary artist accelerator initiative, this time with a Web3 component. Mastercard Music Pass NFT holders have exclusive access to the program, rendering it a nonfungible token (NFT)-a restricted affair.

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José is a crypto enthusiast who trades crypto night and day. He loves to share his trading stories and experiences in all his published articles. José likes to hang out and travel to meet new friends. Enjoys sushi, vodka, and tequila.

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