Urgent: Stand Up for Children. Fight Federal Education Budget Cuts.

Urgent: Stand Up for Children. Fight Federal Education Budget Cuts.

Source Node: 2769798

July 17, 2023

Urgent: Stand Up for Children. Fight Federal Education Budget Cuts.

Filed under: virtual school — Michael K. Barbour @ 7:07 pm
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An item from the folks at the NPE.

Dear Michael,

We have been warning about the war on public schools. Now, it may come to your school no matter where you live in the nation. A war against public schools is a war against children. We must protect them.

The proposed House Appropriations Committee budget (Republicans now control the majority) makes draconian cuts to 2024 funding for Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies, as we describe below.

The only K12 increase is an increase in funding to start new charter schools via the Charter School Programs.

Send your letter telling your representative to stand up for children and fight these cuts.

Send your letter by clicking here
Here are some especially egregious K/12 cuts from 2023 funding levels that will affect the educational well-being of children.

  • A cut of $14.7 billion below the FY 2023 Title I enacted level. This cut could force a nationwide reduction of 220,000 teachers from classrooms serving low-income students.
  • The bill eliminates funding for English Language Acquisition, a cut of $890 million that would remove vital academic support for 5 million English language learners nationwide.
  • The bill eliminates funding for Title II-A (Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants), a cut of $2.2 billion below the enacted level.
  • The bill eliminates funding for Promise Neighborhoods, a grant program to help at-risk students transition to college and careers.
  • The bill eliminates funding for Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) grants within the Education Innovation and Research program.
  • The bill eliminates funding for Magnet Schools—a public school-based school choice program.
  • The bill cuts funding for Full-Service Community Schools by 33%.

To see how the proposed cuts to Title I alone will affect your state, here.

To see a complete list of other cuts, many of which will affect our nation’s children, cuts to Head Start, Pre-K, and research to combat cancer, go here.

More than 49 million students depend on us to fight for them.

1. Send your letter today.

2. Send this link to friends and family. https://actionnetwork.org/letters/urgent-fight-for-public-school-kids-tell-your-member-of-congress-dont-slash-the-education-budget/ Please share it on social media.

3. If you live in the district of the following members, immediately pick up the phone and call.

Tell them that public school children in their district expect them to stand up and protect them from the proposed budget cuts. 

Representative District Phone
 Juan Ciscomani Arizona 6 202-225-2542
 Mike Garcia California 27 202-225-1956
 Tony Gonzales Texas 23 202-225-4511
 Ryan Zinke Montana 1 202-225-5628
 David Valdao California 22 202-225-4695

Our Tenth Anniversary Conference with its line-up of outstanding speakers will be our best and most important conference yet as we gather to fight against the right-wing forces determined to destroy and defund public education and turn it into a marketplace system of unregulated voucher schools, homeschools, online schools and yes, Christian nationalist charter schools.

We meet in Washington, D.C. on October 28 and 29. Please join us.

Our nation, democracy, and our children are depending on us. Register today.

Register Here


Please share this email using this link: https://npeaction.org/stand-up-for-public-school-children-fight-proposed-federal-budget-cuts/

Thanks for all you do,

Carol Burris

Network for Public Education Action Executive Director

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Sent via ActionNetwork.org

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