US Patent and Trademark Office hosts a series of webinars on Blockchain and intellectual property

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The United States Patent and Trademark Office has announced that it will host monthly webinars on intellectual property in the metaverse and patent eligibility criteria for Blockchain.

USPTO hosts 7 sessions on Blockchain and intellectual property 

According to the announcement on its website, USPTO will host these sessions to allow participants to learn about blockchain technology and intellectual property, meet with stakeholders and affiliates in the distributed ledger technology, learn about their current strategies, “dream with them about their future goals, and gain an understanding about the importance of IP protection in this emerging technology.”

The organization’s Virginia-based Eastern Regional Outreach Office is creating the virtual information series “to showcase the underlying technology and various utilities of blockchain and intellectual property,” the announcement reads.

This series of webinars is scheduled to run through November, and USPTO has already held two virtual events under the series. The founder of the blockchain-based intellectual property platform IPwe, Erich Spangenberg, spoke at a June session that focused on “a way to revolutionize the cataloging and licensing of patents.”

The upcoming “Intellectual Property Investigation of Protection in the Metaverse” webinar will be hosted on July 19. Moreover, in August, James Gatto, the East Coast Attorney, is going to host another session focused on the cross-section of Blockchain, patents, and open source.

USPTO flooded with Trademark applications

With the massive adoption of the sector, USPTO has received tons of NFT and metaverse applications in the past year. In April, Payment service providing company Mastercard, filed 15 NFT and metaverse trademark applications. Moreover, in March, Meta confirmed filing eight trademark applications based on Web3 and crypto. 

Above all, even the New York Stock Exchange showed interest in filing trademark applications for an NFT marketplace.

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