US Sanctions On Popular Ethereum Mixer Tornado Cash

Source Node: 1614445

The US Treasury Department sanctioned Tornado Cash, which attackers used to make it difficult to track assets in hacking events.

From Axie Infinity to Harmony, from Parity wallet to BitMart stock market hacks, Tornado Cash is the protocol most used by hackers in every case of cyber theft from thousands of dollars to hundreds of millions of dollars; the US Treasury Department has sanctioned it.

The US Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) also included 44 crypto money addresses on the “cyber-related sanctions” list with Tornado Case. In the US, the Treasury determines the individuals and institutions to be sanctioned.

After this decision, no US person or institution will be able to interact with Tornado Cash or use the protocol. OFAC included another mixer app, Blender i.o, on the list of those sanctioned in May.

North Korean Lazarus And Ronin Hack Drew Attention

Crypto-focused cyber attacks, which started to be discussed with the hacking of one of the largest oil pipelines in the USA last year, increased even more with the Axie Infinity and Harmony Hacking events in 2022.

US Treasury Department officials stated that the North Korean hacker group Lazarus was behind the Axie Infinity Ronin bridge hack, in which more than $600 million worth of assets were stolen.

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