What are Stablecoins? | Everything You Need to Know

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Amarachi Amaechi

Bitcoin remains the most popular cryptocurrency, but it tends to suffer from high volatility in its value. For instance, the value of bitcoin last year in January was around $9,545, rising to around $58,734 in March 2021.

This kind of volatility makes bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies unsuitable for everyday use. Speculation on cryptocurrency can also fuel its volatility which in the long run, hinders its real-world adoption. For example, in 2010, a teenager used 10,000 bitcoin to buy a couple of pizzas, which would be worth around $409,174,000 considering today’s value.

If 1 Bitcoin can be used to buy 10 pizzas today, and by tomorrow, you can get between one to 100 pizzas, then it cannot be used for everyday transactions due to its risks to vendors and merchants. That is where stable coins come in.

As a result, the price of stablecoins fluctuates very little unlike other high-profile cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and ethereum that are prone to ups and downs. Some of the top stablecoins include USD Coin (USDC), DAI (DAI), Tether (USDT), Binance USD (BUSD), and Paxos Standard (PAX).

As long as the economy of the country a stablecoin is pegged to stays stable, the value of the stablecoin will not fluctuate. This means that even if the entire cryptocurrency collapsed and the price of bitcoin goes down to $0, it would not affect a fiat-backed stablecoin.

The first stablecoin, created in 2014 was Tether. Tether(USDT), is also the most popular stable coin and is currently the third-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. The next largest stable coin backed by the U.S dollar is USDC. It was created in 2018 by Coinbase and Circle. Other fiat-backed stablecoins include TrueUSD (TUSD), Diem, Binance USD, Gemini Dollar (GUSD)

The most popular and promising crypto-backed stablecoin is DAI, which was created by MakerDOA. Dai (or DAI) is a crypto-backed stablecoin that aims to keep its value as close to the US dollar (USD) through an automated system of smart contracts that is run on the Ethereum blockchain.

Crypto-backed stablecoins are the most complex form of stablecoins, therefore they haven’t gained as much traction compared to their fiat-backed counterpart.

Examples of other crypto-backed stablecoins include Havven and BitUSD.

Faster payment processing and lower transaction fees make stablecoins like USDC and USDT a good choice for sending money anywhere in the world.
Stablecoins also have the potential to help millions of families who live and work in developing countries. In today’s world, families abroad can send remittances to their loved ones without going through traditional services like Western Union and ending up losing a big chunk of their funds to high fees.

Examples of platforms you can use to perform cross-border payments and remittances using stablecoins include Bitpowr Technologies, circle, etc.

Stablecoins will bridge the gap between two worlds which are cryptocurrency and traditional finance. They also make it easier to move funds into crypto exchanges. Many exchanges don’t have the relationships with banks needed to offer regular currency deposits or withdrawals, but can and do accept stablecoins such as Tether or USDC.

While it is impossible to predict what the future has in store in the constantly changing world of blockchain, stablecoins could help bring cryptocurrencies as a whole to the mainstream.

Each type of stablecoins comes with its unique benefits and limitations, and none of them are perfect. Yet the value and stability they could provide to businesses and individuals globally such as enabling universal access to established national currencies, streamlining payments and remittances, and supporting emerging financial applications — could be disruptive.

Don’t forget to sign up on Bitpowr Technologies to enjoy all the benefits of stablecoins.

Thanks for reading! This article was originally published at workshub

Source: https://medium.com/swlh/what-are-stablecoins-everything-you-need-to-know-449a49226fc4?source=rss——-8—————–cryptocurrency

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