What are the best AR solutions, and how to develop them?

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Technology is expanding, and it will be expanding till humans survive. Technology is designed to fulfill the needs and everyday requirements of the human race. That’s how we have smartphones, the internet, cleaning machines, and all other things that you can think of. Some crucial technological changes have shifted people from the physical to the digital world by introducing apps facilitating the necessities. One such facility is AR solutions. It is such a prominent breakthrough that gives the best services and in this blog, let’s learn how to develop them.

What do we understand by AR solutions?

Augmented reality Solutions utilize AR technology in various situations to target a particular query. For example, to develop an AR app for shopping, utilizing AR technology. 

Where can we use this technology?

Unlike virtual reality, augmented reality has expanded its reach to almost all industries. It creates an impact on digital platforms, especially e-commerce websites. 

If you own a business and look for ways to market your product, augmented reality solutions are the best approach. 

I have been fascinated by the fact that people are a little late to realize its importance and impact. AR can transform the whole digital media. It can portray 3D models, imaginative content to the real world without altering the environment. 

Many industries have adopted this new technology. Let’s understand where they have used it.


Healthcare Sectors:

Along with technology, the health sector has also been expanding due to increased diseases and complications. Therefore, we require more doctors and medical facilities now more than ever. AR technology has been introduced to enhance their work and training. With the right solution, new doctors can be trained in complex operations without any risk and extra resources. Most of the time, medical students don’t get to practice a lot due to a lack of resources. Now, it is not practical to line up bodies for practice. Therefore, this technology can in-depth help the students to acquire more knowledge using the digital platforms. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcJnHMwlYZA

Fashion Industries:

The fashion industry has escalated from offline stores to e-commerce websites. Many multinational companies have made online shopping a trend. It is so affordable and easy to use that people prefer online shopping more than offline store shopping. AR solutions have brought consumers one step closer to their fashion sense by enabling them to try on 3D models. Look for the smartest move here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCZUGt4HYLg This is the best use of this technology where people can rely on what they see. This, in turn, reduces the return trades. It is a plus point for industries. 

Industrial Applications:

Industries will soon change how they used to work. They can teach their staff from remote locations with live support. It will eliminate the possibility of mistakes and repeated procedures. It will also generate the enthusiasm to earn better and perform even better. One of the best examples of such a technology is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLZNoKoUtGg&t=57s

Machines and equipment always require some assistance. This assistance can be provided by utilizing AR solutions.

Educational Institutes:

Education is the best gift that you can give to a person. But if it is boring and out of curiosity, it looks like a punishment. While education is crucial, it is also important to find the best means of facilitating it. Many institutes have already shifted to digital platforms. Explaining concepts with immersive technology like AR solutions can altogether change the education industry. Institutes can adopt this technology to curb boredom and generate curiosity among students. The students, who are rightly encouraged, seem to do better in life and that too, with full of energy. One of the brilliant examples is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBpBO8p0Aa8

Advertising Industries:

Any product you buy needs advertisement for its sale. The perfect marketing strategy is to advertise it on the digital platform. Many companies have already started marketing their product through AR solutions. Portraying imaginative ideas onto the real world.  

There are a lot more solutions to AR technology. This blog alone will not be sufficient to showcase them all. 

Where can we develop these?

Various companies regret choosing any platform for AR app creation. They think any platform would allow them to explore the complete AR technology. Let’s get some points clear. If you are searching for a platform that will allow you to develop an app on AR solutions, it will be PlugXR. It’s a company of values that truly provides what it promised. 


PlugXR is a no-coding platform that enables AR app creation with ease. It takes less time for development with affordable technology. It will not hit you hard on the pocket. You can use any SDK (Software Development Kit) that you would like for app creation. Look out for PlugXR here: https://www.plugxr.com/ 

How can we develop AR solutions?

If you want to develop an app of this technology, then you should visit https://creator.plugxr.com/login and look for different projects. PlugXR offers a variety of projects to attain beautiful apps. It offers:

  1. Mobile AR Offline Surface Targets
  2. Publish in PlugXR App
  3. Mobile AR Offline Image Targets
  4. WebAR Surface Targets
  5. Mobile AR Cloud Image Targets
  6. WebAR Image Targets

These projects will help you discover the brand that you were searching for. It is one platform for all the solutions. 


AR solutions will look forward in the technological market as it will curb all other branding technologies. Unlike virtual reality, AR will prove itself to be a game-changer. 

You have to be ahead of the game. Develop apps that relate to AR technology. It will keep you in good profits over a longer period. It’s like investing your time into things that will escalate in the immediate future.

While other technologies are slow and unattractive, AR solutions attract consumers and grab their attention. 

It is a fascinating technology that requires just an idea, the development is taken care of by platforms like PlugXR.


To conclude, here we have some important points to keep in mind. First, what are the best AR solutions, and how to develop them? It is very interesting, as whatever ideas you have can be converted into this technology. Any service that can be provided by apps can be provided by AR technology.

To develop this kind of solution, honestly, you need expertise, but as we move along with augmented technology, we have solutions for all the problems. One such solution is the PlugXR platform. 

Do you believe that every idea has the potential to become an AR solution?

Source: https://www.plugxr.com/augmented-reality/end-to-end-ar-solutions/

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