What Is Web 3.0 & Why It Matters

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So much for the technology but what difference will this make to the individuals and society as a whole? And how could this be even greater than the impact today’s applications have had on our families, businesses and governments? It has been said² that the characteristic which sets humankind apart is our ability to organise ourselves in the pursuit of a commonly envisioned goal. Thus it is highly instructive to cast our minds back in time / history, to identify four major social & technological stages in human collaboration:

In Villages, people could trade value, information & work with the small group of counterparties they already knew — their set of counterparties was limited by geographic proximity & personal trust bonds. The small scale meant individuals frequently had multiple roles in society e.g. farmer, fireman, warrior and father. Consequently, transactions were focused on food, security and leisure, and included little coordination beyond largely self-sustaining families.

In Urbanised Cities, the set of counterparties with whom people could trade value, information & work increased significantly. It became economically viable to launch new specialised businesses, produce accounting at the level of that business, and rely on others to produce all the remaining goods and services required by the city’s population. While some geographic restrictions remained, the larger spatial playing field and higher population density led to much wider coordination of skills across individuals.

Web 1.0 & Web 2.0 radically shrunk the latency and cost at which people & businesses could trade value, information & work with geographically distributed counterparties they didn’t necessarily know, via trusted intermediaries. Truly global businesses started to form, as the reach of counterparties expanded by a few orders of magnitude. At its heart, today’s internet allows global coordination via a set of intermediaries, providing a digital social trust layer for strangers to interact: from Facebook, to eBay & AirBnB. Unfortunately we’ve become overly dependent on these platforms, and when they move from “attract” to “extract”, their users (whether individuals or businesses) suffer via higher fees or platform risk (i.e. the platform has the power to destroy your business running on it). While today’s interactions might magically and reliably take place on a global scale, it is predominantly the $200Bn digital advertising business³, with ‘we the users’ as the product, which fuels this machine. It is now also broadly understood that these platforms of the ‘post truth’ world have created echo-chambers within which unfiltered and unashamedly populist or indeed fallacious claims reverberate and reinforce — sometimes with chaotic consequences.

With Web 3.0, women, men, machines & businesses will be able to trade value, information & work with global counterparties they don’t know or yet explicitly trust, without an intermediary. The most important evolution enabled by Web3.0 is the minimisation of the trust required for coordination on a global scale. This marks a move towards trusting all constituents of a network implicitly rather than needing to trust each individual explicitly and/or seeking to achieve trust extrinsically.

Web 3.0 will fundamentally expand the scale & scope of both human and machine interactions far beyond what we can imagine today. These interactions, ranging from seamless payments to richer information flows, to trusted data transfers, will become possible with a vastly increased range of potential counterparties. Web 3.0 will enable us to interact with any individual or machine in the world, without having to pass through fee-charging middlemen. This shift will enable a whole new wave of previously unimaginable businesses and business models: from global co-operatives to decentralised autonomous organisations and self-sovereign data marketplaces.

This matters because:

  • Societies can become more efficient by disintermediating industries, reducing rent-seeking third parties and returning this value directly back to the users and suppliers in a network.
  • Organisations can be intrinsically more resilient to change through their new mesh of more adaptable peer-to-peer communication and governance ties between participants.
  • Humans, enterprises and machines can share more data with more privacy & security assurances
  • We can future-proof entrepreneurial & investment activities by virtually eradicating the platform dependency risks we observe today
  • We can own our own data & digital footprints by using provable digital scarcity of data & tokenised digital assets
  • Through ‘modern mutual’ ownership and governance of these new decentralised systems of intelligence and sophisticated & dynamic economic incentives, network participants can collaborate to solve previously intractable or ‘thinly spread’ problems

The forthcoming wave of Web 3.0 goes far beyond the initial use case of cryptocurrencies. Through the richness of interactions now possible and the global scope of counterparties available, Web 3.0 will cryptographically connect data from individuals, corporations and machines, with efficient machine learning algorithms, leading to the rise of fundamentally new markets and associated business models. The result is akin to a “return to the global village” — daily immersion in the human-centric & highly personalised interactions from which we used to benefit, yet now delivered at the global scale of the internet and supporting an ever-increasing myriad of human and machine skills specialisations.

Source: https://medium.com/fabric-ventures/what-is-web-3-0-why-it-matters-934eb07f3d2b?source=rss——-8—————–cryptocurrency

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