Why I'm Grateful This Thanksgiving - Crowdfunding & FinTech Law Blog

Why I’m Grateful This Thanksgiving – Crowdfunding & FinTech Law Blog

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My 10th-great grandfather was William Bradford, the leader of the Pilgrims. I’m grateful that he and his band of religious refugees made the trip and were saved from starvation by the native population.

I’m grateful for the wisdom of the American people and the resilience of their institutions.

I’m thankful for a culture that rewards risk-taking and innovation and that is slowly, haltingly, inexorably freeing itself of the prejudices of our collective past.

I’m grateful for American entrepreneurs who endlessly question the present and invent the future.

I’m grateful I didn’t invest with FTX.

I’m grateful – I’m not joking – to the SEC for providing oversight for the most complex, dynamic, trusted capital markets in the world.

I’m grateful to my colleagues at Lex Nova Law for helping to build a flexible, modern law firm.

I’m grateful to live in a diverse, changing, sometimes-chaotic country where it often seems we disagree about everything (we don’t). Like others, I worry that so many Americans have chosen alternative realities and conspiracy theories, but I have faith that these afflictions, like others in our history, will prove temporary.

I’m grateful that during my own midlife crisis I wasn’t on Twitter.

I’m grateful for Anthony Fauci, an ordinary American who rose to the moment and became extraordinary.

I’m grateful to participate in the fundamental rethinking of capitalism called Crowdfunding, making capital available where it has never been available before and making great investment opportunities available to more and more Americans.

I’m grateful to everyone in the Crowdfunding ecosystem, especially to Doug Ellenoff and others who worked to make the JOBS Act a reality.

I’m grateful to Ukraine and its brave people, who are giving the world a lesson in the power of freedom.

I’m grateful for my clients, a diverse, energetic, endlessly-creative group of entrepreneurs who are making America better and in the process making my life infinitely more rewarding.

Yesterday six Americans were killed in a shooting in Virginia. That follows four in Oklahoma on Sunday, five in Colorado on Saturday, and all the rest. Next year I hope I can be grateful that we have finally begun to address the uniquely American plague of violence.

Thanks for reading everyone! I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving as much as I intend to enjoy mine. As always, contact me if you have any questions.

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