Yam Community Now Offers Web3Notif to Users

Source Node: 881202

The DeFi sector keeps getting new updates as the latest news comes from the side of globally-renowned YAM Finance. The community-owned DAO now offers push notifications to users, helping them stay updated with every development. YAM Finance recently announced that they would be integrating EPNS (Ethereum Push Notification Service) to the platform.

The decentralized autonomous organization is one of the biggest projects in the DeFi circle. The platform has made headlines with innovative projects like Degenerative Finance that speculates asset prices, and hedges gas prices.

YAM users had to use Discord bots to receive timely alerts like a change in price or collateral ratio. Seeing how popular Discord is among the masses, there is no guarantee that users will notice a single notification among the crowd. This severely hinders YAM’s growth and engagement rate.

YAM accepted that although the mechanism can survive, for now, it will not cope with complete decentralization. That is why they are using Web3Notif to help their community keep up with every market development.

Even EPNS shared their delight to join hands with YAM Finance. The strategic move will help YAM develop an esteemed notification and communication layer. Since YAM is one of the biggest projects in the circle, adding the benefit of Web3Notif makes complete sense.

What Will the Collaboration Yield?

With this partnership, YAM will also receive help in understanding upcoming protocols and features. Based on YAM’s inputs, EPNS can develop new additional features based on their V1 protocol.

For starters, YAM Finance will receive:

  • A channel for the DAO users to deliver notifications regarding liquidation risks. The notifications will be channeled before users reach the minimum collateral ratio.
  • Additional notifications for the YAM Ecosystem like alerts regarding on-chain votes and snapshots.
  • Conducting discussions to build decentralized communication layers robust and scalable enough to support the Web3.0.

From the looks of it, the integration is welcomed by the users who think that receiving on-time notifications can enhance their routine proceedings.

YAM Finance, the world-renowned DAO, recently announced integrating push notification services for their users. The finance uses EPNS (Ethereum Push Notification Service) for the same, and the collaboration will render more upgrades. For now, YAM Finance is adding a new communication and notification layer. Both parties intend to provide advancements to users as the need arises.

Source: https://www.cryptonewsz.com/yam-community-now-offers-web3notif-to-users/

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